No Download Entry
22. September 2003 - 21:15
How do you set it up so no one has to down load the pak0.pk3 ?
Great Work on the mod. ^5 to the pluss team !
Poop on Mr.***** !
23. September 2003 - 5:34
No Download Entry
There are more ways for that.
1. sv_allowDownload 1
This will enable the download but people connecting with cl_allowDownload 0
wont download it and play without it.
The others will download it while connecting.
2. sv_allowDownload 0
This will not allow people with cl_allowDownload 1 to connect!
3. unpacking the .pk3
You rename the pak0.pk3 to and unpack it to keep that
C:\Games\Quake III Arena\excessiveplus\vm\*.qvm
Then it will be a fully server-side only mod

Poop on Mr.***** !
He's a genius!
24. September 2003 - 12:56
No Download Entry
Thanks cid !
and if mr pants is such a genius why doesnt he respond to any emails
forum posts or finished working on the next rendition of his mod, is he to busy preforming dna cloning of rocket spammers ?
If it aint broke.... BREAK IT !