New E+

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ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: New E+

Guys you have it all wrong, ftf death has been dead for 3 years but his mom hasn't played e+ for 6. Welcome back Mrs the-death.

Please note how I stayed on-topic and contributed to what the op wrote, rather than taking the harmful and evil road of getting into a meaningful discussion about something that is somewhat related to the topic, but not close enough to be classified as "ontopic". That would make me a bad person and break the rules and warrants a sanction in the form of a warning.

So just to be on the safe side: HELO KLATY M8 WELLXOME BACK LOL


nonsense repellent declamatory

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Re: New E+
Klaatu wrote:

I think u ppl are gettin me confused with someone else, we

all played from our collage dorms at North in Tennessee, and we never

played online much anyways, just servers other put up in the dorm, We

all share the same IP, well not all of us but the second floor, and half

of the 3rd floors left wing. And I read that retarded post about some

guy dead and his mommy using his account, which I don't buy, sounds like

a 11 year old child's prank, and I don't see how I could be accused of

being a dead guy, we all know what everyone does here, we also log each
machine or device on our server from each pc workstation, cell phone
etc to spy on everyone else, over 300 ppl use the same wireless here
which is

setup to bypass the schools filtering proxy, and each new person gets

to use laptops and pc's other ppl have used over the years, they are

hand-me-downs basically. I think u all need to do more research before

you start pointing the finger at me, or anyone else for that matter!

What is this forum ran by?

That's cute. Glad to see you realize how retarded your attempt at attention whoring was back then, still, too bad you decided to cover it up with more bullshit. Are you really that stupid? You're posting from the same account, for fuck's sake. The hell do proxies, wifi and your ip have to do with anything.

No wait, don't tell me, the guy who used that account just happened to be posting from the very same PC you are, stayed logged in on your PC for three solid years and the cookies never expired, and you just figured you'll never make an account of your own and just hijack his. Sounds perfectly reasonable, except it's not and you're a lying douchebag.

Your clever ruse will not work here, ol' chap.

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: New E+
Klaatu wrote:

6 years and was pretty good back in the day.

Collage dorms ... same ip

If you played way back in the day and were quite good then surely you could identify yourself. Surely a small part of the community was around back then and could identify with such characters as Budman/ lil-budman, Biohazard, joeyb, neofrag from PHC; Roll, Neo, Rokks, Twerpy from HK, likwid o2jr it and mojito from CLASS, as well as oldvamp, shark and few others.

Cute story about the ip. However nobody said anything about your ip, they just saw your registered date (2008) and that this account wrote previously on this forum, then clicked on it to read its content. You dont need to be a Sherlock Holmes or even a moderator to find that out.

And a collage of dorms sounds awesome. I am picturing oxford style city infrastructure, Hawaii style all year round good weather, MIT type facilities, parties like in Ibiza and LA and beaches like you are in Barbados. Your rednecky typo just gave me a mental erection, and for that i thank you.


nonsense repellent declamatory

XTERMY's picture
Joined: Oct 2003
Re: New E+

I just can't believe he is just coming with that now xD Who is that stupid to use the same account to do only 2 posts in a forum, one about HER dead son and one about HIS comeback? Like I said he is not going to post again as he realised.

PD: Make a new account and try again, you won't be the first one lol

Joined: Mar 2010
Re: New E+

this "community" is a little bit sick.. people in.. people out.. people saying i go away from this mod and still trolling around..

madbringer wrote:

We're like a big, dysfunctional family of
alcoholics, nihilists, drug abusers, nutters and general

true true