"New" cheaters
id software is teh sex man i love it
well squaresoft too but they went a bit gay when they merged with enix
Ive always played id games. my first multi expirience was doom2 in lan
with turbo on of course
only time i played one non id 3d shooter more than an id one was when duke3d was on one of the games i have best memories off
omg the shrinker is one of the most amazing weapons ever
Yupp, Duke3d could get hillarious in mp!
Didnt know it was possible to play Doom 1 in mp?
Btw, I saw that a Doom3 addon with the Doom2 maps got released
[Quote = Ratz] Bueno, yo c deex no ha publicado nada todavía, así que voy a De todos modos, 2 nuevos tramposos fueron capturados hoy en Mr. Freeze cuando Deex habilitado PB por sorpresa
Son DEVA SPY y SFC ALUCARD.Spy fue expulsado a través de PB para gamehook (bot), y alucard para el juego hack.I no logró obtener una pantalla de espionaje, pero tengo uno de alucard y Deex tiene registros, ips, guids, etc
Como un Mather un hecho, heres lo que me ha enviado
: wink:
[11.03.2005 15:15:54] VIOLACIÓn (HOOK GAME) # 120020:.... ^ a3 | a4 ^ ^ ^ a5 a6 a7 ^ ^ . a8 ^ xFA1F0 (slot # 7) Violación (HOOK GAME) # 120020 [54894e7168efc5da2c88af98727f6282 (-)]
[11.03.2005 15:20:17] VIOLACIÓn (gamehack) # 80017: ^ 0 ^ x00EEEE?. ^ F. ^ s ^ 0 ^ x00EEEE.? ^ (Ranura # 4) Violación (gamehack) # 80017 [f537fe0050bbb054159d1c6607a931a3 (-)] [/ quote] noob

What is the reason of your reply like that after 8 years?
This topic was created for him :]