MU Fragfest / Vote now
we are planning to make Fragfest event at the near of the end of 2013 year or after the new year, well its up to you to decide now.
If you want to participate on this fragfest, please vote for following settings:
DATE & TIME: post your suggestions pls
MAP: we pick q3sg01demo, specially released for that event
download: [LINK]
(the map is playable for FFA on plusN or any other config, it requires from you com_hunkmegs value higher than 56 to load)
CONFIG: as usual we pick plusN
FRAGLIMIT: value should be 0, let's play for timelimit, more fun
TIMELIMIT: 60 minutes? more or less?
(we would use one of our servers running on Violence custom ioquake3 with Anti Wallhack enabled, we would not use Punkbuster as it would make only more lags, but on this year we can at least rely on anti-wh )
Servers sv_fps will be set to 20, in theory this should minimize servers lags
Server will hold 64 slots, so anyone is welcome, as the map is HUGE!
We would be pleased if at least 15 or 20 peoples could come and play since the start till the end, we count for more this year
Please share this informations to everyone you know from q3, not anyone have forum account on this board.
Sunday 29 December?
crazyrail or plusN
DATE & TIME: 29.12.2013 20:00

Sunday 29 December?
crazyrail or plusN
go january plusn
GO today!
Sunday 29.12.2013 20:00/ PlusN/ Fraglimit 0 /Timelimit 45 or 60 min
I am not sure why it is called "MU fragfest" thinking would that be specifically for MU clan, or just referring to it as "crazy sheeps killing each other in a constant motion repeatedly for some specific period of time as a fest.."
Anyway, since others are posting this seems public.. as it is not private clan thread!
Regarding joining, I am not sure I can for two reasons,
1- cause I am a super hero and I can't be sure when I am needed in this world and when I am free to play some games.. 2- the more players in server, to me = more lag etc.. kills the fun! and with less players that is no fest..
But I will probably join I am not sure (or as a guest) maybe to enjoy drinking coffee or tea while spectating enjoying the event as well, and I can't suggest a date if I wanted to play, however seems obvious 26, 27, 28, 29th of December are the dates for such fest..
Now I am glad I made the justification, I wrote all that to add some suggestions..
1- how about making it an event for 2 or 3 days for more players to be able to play..
2- or maybe making it 2 or 3 rounds event.. etc
Or making it both, 2 or 3 rounds event divided into 15 or 20 minutes for each round with streaming, as well as an event which would occur for more than one day..
Let the players which usually are around almost every day here and willing to join decide for best timing of each round (once are divided)
And could also be that (depending on how the suggestions to be taken) after all rounds played, last round to be played by winners of each played round (once the rounds are divided into separate rounds at separate times not on the row) as that could work if not all players can be at same times here to join

in the past here was fragfest with rounds.but it was much more players. At this moment one fragfest should be fine.
Map is ok, i would really like if you remove the rain or make it less annoying. As for time etc. 60 mins is good. Just like before.
heh QRA, you read in my mind, best date and timelimit, btw hi, I didn't see you a long time ^^