Lmao, Same Shit Different Mod

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Joined: May 2005

Well, I just tried excessive plus for like the 3rd time. I was playing on RAServer when I noticed this guy going as TAILORED. I decided to spec him, being that I was new to the mod. At first nothing surprised me and then all of a sudden his crosshairs started jumping all over the place and he began fragging everyone in site. I spec'd him for 4 maps and demo'd all 4. When I finally spoke up and asked why he was cheating and that I was gonna expose him, he lagged himself out, when he came to and started playing again he sported my tag. I was like WTF??? He told me to get the fuck out!!! I disconnected and reconnected as another name. He instantly lagged himself out again and then sported my new tag. Guys I dont know if this is a norm on XSV plus, but I do believe it's a bunch of BS.... He also knows how to flood server in between maps badly. It causes the text he is sending to keep overwriting itself , again and again. This d00d is bad news. I think, which might be a mistake, but I think we should try to get rid of trash like this all together.... Sad

DARKLORD's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
Lmao, Same Shit Different Mod

its down to whoever admins that server, i know he would be banned on any mr or bps server


Joined: May 2005
Lmao, Same Shit Different Mod

Kewl looking out, man!!!! Yeah I'm saying this stuff has got to be caught.
Bots like that, pffft, what fun is that for anyone else?? Hell, what fun would it be, being the one using that shit!!! OMG, q3a recquires skill, not bots = )

Joined: Jan 2004
Lmao, Same Shit Different Mod

unfortunaly bots here is prety normal, two deferent cfg's on one u can kil with aimbot using mg, od other u can kill by single railshot

servers are not runing pure or punkbuster to get more n00b to this mod bycose they dont know how to ubdate punkbuster or cant conect bycose of additional weapons or models skins

best u can do raport this to administrator or post on the forum, w r fighting with this all the time Sad, iven on unknow cheats hp is a link to these servers bycose they are runing with pb and pure and are good to test cheats bycose of inst gib style of playing