Lakerman case

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mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Lakerman case

My statements were quite clear, there was and is nothing to interpret. My posts are not philosophical effusions with room for interpretation.

It's really not my problem that some people are not able to understand clear questions. I have clearly expressed whatI do not understand, just a answer would have been necessary.

Interpret racism in my post, simply shows stupidity. In this case i don't mean you, pomo.

Before I reply to a post, I "read" it. "Fast reading", like you said, is no excuse. A stupid answer is a stupid answer, and no interpretationn.

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Lakerman case

Many players on German Rail CTF always suspected about Lakerman cheats. We always knew that he play unfair. One player called thirstah captured him with one video few month ago and posted it on youtube. He is one of biggest cheater in Quake, when he fall in troubles, he start be nice with admins, and prevent his ban. He need be banned in every famous servers... Idea

P.S. One player called Thirstah always though that he use some cheat (sometimes wallhack)...he explain that cheat to me with this words: he turn on enemymodels to be green color and use some cheat to shot all thing which have that color, because that he shot so wierd, he dont shot only players, HE SHOT COLOR!!!

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Lakerman case

if people want to see something in that vid, i would like them to watch 2:03

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Joined: Jan 2010
ok ok ok yara yara yara

Am from jordan i play this servers for long time ...
never been accused for shit , and if some one who confirmed he is cheater , so it doesnt mean he inherited his cheats to someone else , so if you want to give some a credit , you banned one already , james the rest is clean tell you prove something else . i see many poeple taking this seriously why cause you cant dream off good player from jordan or you cant believe it had larg number 150 ohh he cant aim , no he can, its hard to play with this ping. he played something he like , he try to reach the state he can be good at , he didnt play it yesterday , he always have same ping , but if you want to test them here is the punkbuster for who dont know where to download it or upgrade it " " so if he is not good that doesnt mean he cheats also , some people get confused while people comment him as cheater , so does you, so does every one else , make him feel comfortable cause this is the state off mind you attacking from , stop talking and start walking , quake is not just game made yesterday its bin here for 20 years almost , III .
Go ahead its just game, they well not respect you if you caught one cheater , or 2 or 4 , its just something you want , cause you know it there is some one who try hard to get something he likes from bad situation as his ping , if he played with good ping maybe you ban him for life or maybe he is not good until he used to it , so stop talking and accusing cause he now maybe you latter . i can play all day with and am sure am clean so does every one else .
Between am new , they dont have new acount i guess many off you maybe spotted me on other server
^4GoreHavoc ps


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rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
Lakerman case

What's with that shot? Also it's quite blurry and the recorder didn't used xp_enemymodel, so it can't be used to prove anything.

Había una vez un barco chiquito...

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camel-xp's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
PL Poland
Lakerman case
lagstard wrote:

What's with that shot? Also it's quite blurry and the recorder didn't used xp_enemymodel, so it can't be used to prove anything.

There are two explanations on time 2:03 from this vid
that he wanted to rail jump but he failed
or he seen an enemy behind the stairs and walls and pressed fire button or it auto fired

dad's picture
Joined: Jan 2010
Lakerman case
alienM wrote:

Many players on....

thank you for such a good evidence which shows the good beginning of a glittering little player Winking (an old friend of you) , next time use fov and enemymodel and other commands to show the demo as it was been played.

(*-_' '_-*)

dad's picture
Joined: Jan 2010
Lakerman case

Respectfully - to video analyzers , that rail only game explains the secret of the odd shots of such little gamer. Thank for read

(*-_' '_-*)

dad's picture
Joined: Jan 2010
Lakerman case

to camel , i dont want to keep correcting ppl , but u posted 3 explanations while u dont even know about this kind of game

(*-_' '_-*)

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camel-xp's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
PL Poland
Lakerman case

and you posted 3 posts instead of one, maybe you want to increase your post counter

(¯\GEORGEMAN/¯) wrote:

to camel , i dont want to keep correcting ppl , but u posted 3 explanations while u dont even know about this kind of game

Ive played most of my time on Deex freeze server where I had ping 130-150, also i had worse internet bandwidth 128kbps on past, so i had also higher pings on all servers, so I think I know a little about it.

I shouldnt post anything but I couldnt resist