L7 :: Lemon 2:0 DS/26.11.2006/RANKED
yeah ping won
Fucking BG :!: U were not fair LEMON
i hope u still in e+ extreme
GG! DS liczylem na was po wygranej nad swe myslalem ze lem tez padnie wasza ofiara ale sie przeliczylem Well played
where is demos ?
gg Lems:)

I think its best we all send u our screens from dm17 [via msn,not spaming here] so u can make stats for that map. And yes its a pitty,dm17 was full of wonderful shots,but in the very beginning before those 2 timeouts.Km started recording after that unfortunately.
...hmm, and you wrote before that the first time out was after appr. 40 frags.
looking at your team effort, which is 1 frag per 1,36 second, the first time out was within 1 minute and the second time out within 1 minute after that...so all the best moves were done in the first 2 minutes
bad game Lemon, very bad game
I think its best we all send u our screens from dm17 [via msn,not spaming here] so u can make stats for that map. And yes its a pitty,dm17 was full of wonderful shots,but in the very beginning before those 2 timeouts.Km started recording after that unfortunately....hmm, and you wrote before that the first time out was after appr. 40 frags.
looking at your team effort, which is 1 frag per 1,36 second, the first time out was within 1 minute and the second time out within 1 minute after that...so all the best moves were done in the first 2 minutes
bad game Lemon, very bad game
that is fucin*** right ! why are U don't wa8ing for better ping, we are used this server always and we have good ping. And where is demos Nice Kx

gg Lems:)
thx morph
i can also say gg DS,
in my opinion it was a fair game! both teams had problems with ping .. srv sucked, i hope u c it like me... morph and/or complete DS if not call me in msn, i wont to have flaming here...
i hope extrem came down again!!
and also i hope next time we meet, both teams have same conditions
greetz and enough "hope"s in the text
sry english

where is demos ?
Read my post up where is statistics. I have them but cannot upload them. Read more about that HERE.
Situation are changed, so demos is here now.