L10 :: PHCElite 2:0 RS/14.12.2006/RANKED
Game for: TDM League round #10
1. q3dm11 - 230:211
2. q3dm17- 459:331
Gametype: TDM
Players: 5 vs. 5 / 4 vs. 4
Timelimit: 15min
FriendlyFire: enabled
Punkbuster: enabled
Pure Server: enabled
Server: League Server 6
Ref: C4 IO
!!!!! gg
i really need new pc or another ISp ..
thing you need is skill mr.bad connector, i can give you some lesson first is:
press esc/start/join game, then bind some keys to move. another tips another day pay attention!

thing you need is skill mr.bad connector, i can give you some lesson first is:
press esc/start/join game, then bind some keys to move. another tips another day pay attention!
i knowed you don't know this thing's,
that's why you suprised, your days sitting in spec will be over think about it. :joker:
n1x = ownage dont doubt his ownage bad isp bad computer
good job PHC m8s
well played RS, especially on dm11, thx for game
big thankx to sweetheart IO for great refering
P.S. shut up PJ , leave Nixy alone, he just need a little more zoo porn and soon he will stop downloading it
gg my bro! nice PHC! i couldnt play! because this is third match! but i will play next! hehe! RS is good on DM11!
yes . we havent chance on dm11. but np rs members were good on dm 11. gg phc.
and special thnks to c4_io
GG RS.. Nice one PHC..
gg bro :twisted: RS nice game
Asu right Doc is rock :twisted: