L10 :: {d*r*t} 2:0 HYPER/17.12.2006/RANKED

30 replies [Last post]
trivium's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
L10 :: {d*r*t} 2:0 HYPER/17.12.2006/RANKED


playing on
[mouse]: ie 3.0
[mousepad]: corepad eyepad xxl
[keyboard]: Steelseries 6gv2
[headphones]: SteelSeries Siberia v2
[monitor]: Samsung Syncmaster 1000s 21"

ghost wrote:

its the people whos piss me of not the game, im never ever played an game on wich all is perfect to mine preferences there are always things to wich im must get used and acept them as they are no mater i like them or not i will try to understand thier mechanism and use for mine adventage

Hyper*Cookie ia
Cookie's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
L10 :: {d*r*t} 2:0 HYPER/17.12.2006/RANKED


Toxic's picture
Joined: May 2006
L10 :: {d*r*t} 2:0 HYPER/17.12.2006/RANKED

Nice bobby & Gl in HYPER
BTW GG all

(.I tried to be perfect ,but nothing was worth it I don't believe it make's me real.)

Dealinha's picture
Joined: May 2006
L10 :: {d*r*t} 2:0 HYPER/17.12.2006/RANKED


Joined: Jul 2005
JP Japan
L10 :: {d*r*t} 2:0 HYPER/17.12.2006/RANKED

gg :bounce:

Joined: Sep 2005
L10 :: {d*r*t} 2:0 HYPER/17.12.2006/RANKED

gg but all this average 50% eff is annoying me :[


Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
L10 :: {d*r*t} 2:0 HYPER/17.12.2006/RANKED
-C4-TYRANTuk.tyrant wrote:

gg but all this average 50% eff is annoying me :[

Arrow O really ? Laughing What about 35% perhaps ? Winking

PS All we need is LOVE..., all we need is LOVE, LOVE. LOVE is all we need. Tongue


- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...

unique * mnc
mnc's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
L10 :: {d*r*t} 2:0 HYPER/17.12.2006/RANKED

GG both

heinster's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
L10 :: {d*r*t} 2:0 HYPER/17.12.2006/RANKED

gg both

auf gehts jungs



same shit
different day

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
L10 :: {d*r*t} 2:0 HYPER/17.12.2006/RANKED

Arrow :: Q3DM17 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
{D*R*T} ANEM 133 104 3 18:01 442 56.5 29 124
{D*R*T} SH! 125 123 2 18:01 416 51.1 2 113
HYPER*HYLIAN 116 123 1 18:01 386 48.7 -7 111
{D*R*T} TYRANT 111 113 0 18:01 369 48.5 -2 109
{D*R*T} FAITH 118 106 2 18:01 392 53.0 12 108
HYPER*BOBBY 110 122 0 18:01 366 46.6 -12 106
HYPER*NARCYZ 99 122 3 18:01 329 45.4 -23 94
HYPER.DRAGON 100 98 1 18:01 333 49.7 2 93
HYPER.DEKY 101 110 2 18:01 336 48.2 -9 93
{D*R*T} ALONE 94 86 1 18:01 313 52.2 8 85

Arrow :: Q3DM7 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
{D*R*T} FAITH 85 60 0 21:07 241 59.4 25 73
HYPER*NARCYZ 67 84 0 21:10 189 45.1 -17 65
{D*R*T} SH! 64 50 0 21:07 181 59.4 14 64
{D*R*T} ANEM 72 68 0 21:13 203 51.9 4 64
{D*R*T} TYRANT 64 62 0 21:11 181 47.5 2 62
HYPER.DEKY 63 70 0 21:09 178 46.3 -7 59
HYPER*HYLIAN 54 53 0 21:12 152 51.4 1 50
HYPER*BOBBY 50 69 0 21:11 141 42.7 -19 48
HYPER.DRAGON 53 52 0 21:11 150 48.3 1 47
{D*R*T} ALONE 48 52 0 21:11 135 47.4 -4 42

Arrow :: CW Sumary ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
{D*R*T} ANEM 205 172 3 39:14 313 54.9 33 188
{D*R*T} FAITH 203 166 2 39:08 311 55.4 37 181
{D*R*T} SH! 189 173 2 39:08 289 53.7 16 177
{D*R*T} TYRANT 175 175 0 39:12 267 48.2 0 171
HYPER*HYLIAN 170 176 1 39:13 260 49.5 -6 161
HYPER*NARCYZ 166 206 3 39:11 254 45.3 -40 159
HYPER*BOBBY 160 191 0 39:12 244 45.3 -31 154
HYPER.DEKY 164 180 2 39:10 251 47.5 -16 152
HYPER.DRAGON 153 150 1 39:12 234 49.3 3 140
{D*R*T} ALONE 142 138 1 39:12 217 50.5 4 127


Arrow :: CW Summary per hour ::

:: Scorers ::

Name Frags Deaths Eff Kll-Dth Score
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
{D*R*T} ANEM 313.5 263.0 54.9 50.5 287.5
{D*R*T} FAITH 311.2 254.5 55.4 56.7 277.5
{D*R*T} SH! 289.8 265.2 53.7 24.5 271.4
{D*R*T} TYRANT 267.9 267.9 48.2 .0 261.7
HYPER*HYLIAN 260.1 269.3 49.5 -9.2 246.3
HYPER*NARCYZ 254.2 315.4 45.3 -61.3 243.5
HYPER*BOBBY 244.9 292.3 45.3 -47.4 235.7
HYPER.DEKY 251.2 275.7 47.5 -24.5 232.9
HYPER.DRAGON 234.2 229.6 49.3 4.6 214.3
{D*R*T} ALONE 217.3 211.2 50.5 6.1 194.4


:: Kill - Death ::

Name Frags Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
{D*R*T} FAITH 311.2 254.5 277.5 55.4 56.7
{D*R*T} ANEM 313.5 263.0 287.5 54.9 50.5
{D*R*T} SH! 289.8 265.2 271.4 53.7 24.5
{D*R*T} ALONE 217.3 211.2 194.4 50.5 6.1
HYPER.DRAGON 234.2 229.6 214.3 49.3 4.6
{D*R*T} TYRANT 267.9 267.9 261.7 48.2 .0
HYPER*HYLIAN 260.1 269.3 246.3 49.5 -9.2
HYPER.DEKY 251.2 275.7 232.9 47.5 -24.5
HYPER*BOBBY 244.9 292.3 235.7 45.3 -47.4
HYPER*NARCYZ 254.2 315.4 243.5 45.3 -61.3


:: Efficiency ::

Name Frags Deaths Score Kll-Dth Eff
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
{D*R*T} FAITH 311.2 254.5 277.5 56.7 55.4
{D*R*T} ANEM 313.5 263.0 287.5 50.5 54.9
{D*R*T} SH! 289.8 265.2 271.4 24.5 53.7
{D*R*T} ALONE 217.3 211.2 194.4 6.1 50.5
HYPER*HYLIAN 260.1 269.3 246.3 -9.2 49.5
HYPER.DRAGON 234.2 229.6 214.3 4.6 49.3
{D*R*T} TYRANT 267.9 267.9 261.7 .0 48.2
HYPER.DEKY 251.2 275.7 232.9 -24.5 47.5
HYPER*BOBBY 244.9 292.3 235.7 -47.4 45.3
HYPER*NARCYZ 254.2 315.4 243.5 -61.3 45.3


:: Killers ::

Name Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth Frags
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
{D*R*T} ANEM 263.0 287.5 54.9 50.5 313.5
{D*R*T} FAITH 254.5 277.5 55.4 56.7 311.2
{D*R*T} SH! 265.2 271.4 53.7 24.5 289.8
{D*R*T} TYRANT 267.9 261.7 48.2 .0 267.9
HYPER*HYLIAN 269.3 246.3 49.5 -9.2 260.1
HYPER*NARCYZ 315.4 243.5 45.3 -61.3 254.2
HYPER.DEKY 275.7 232.9 47.5 -24.5 251.2
HYPER*BOBBY 292.3 235.7 45.3 -47.4 244.9
HYPER.DRAGON 229.6 214.3 49.3 4.6 234.2
{D*R*T} ALONE 211.2 194.4 50.5 6.1 217.3


- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...