kTm 3:0 TC/11.06.2006/RANKED

GG KTM still undefeated uh??... GG TC...peace..
Ungaro is very good player. I and toxic were played against him in 1on1 (friend match at many hours atnight). He was beat everybody:D
Maybe will be cw with KTM harder than i though
Nice KTM, GG
oh poor dea, i seen this match and ungaro was using quad all the time. As i know dea have obsession about not using quad, so why he still is in your clan, or maybe if u win cw u always forget someone used quad poor dea.

oh poor dea, i seen this match and ungaro was using quad all the time. As i know dea have obsession about not using quad, so why he still is in your clan, or maybe if u win cw u always forget someone used quad
poor dea.
quad it's sux !
Pjax wrote: oh poor dea, i seen this match and ungaro was using quad all the time. As i know dea have obsession about not using quad, so why he still is in your clan, or maybe if u win cw u always forget someone used quadpoor dea.
Seems like you're right... it's a bad habit some people developed, not minding "lame" stuff in-game as long as it's all going good for their team, yet making a histerical act when it dosen't
wszyscy sie wsciekaja jak przegrywaja i zwalaja to na rozne takie tam...
BBS tez gadali ze to ze tamto. nie raz widzialem jak inne znane klany tez mowily o roznych takich tam co to im niepasowalo bleble. Pjax na przykladzie gry z DEVA np. Kto przegrywa zawsze zwala wine na cos. to naturalne.
i agree whit u nagro...
ktm here ktm there...somebody stop them!!
Screens here!!! http://www.ktm.gc.pl/
You are gangsters? No! We are russians!