Killer's teamviewer test

61 replies [Last post]
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Is killer blind & stupid?
70% (31 votes)
Or is killer right?
30% (13 votes)
Total votes: 44

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Killer's teamviewer test

After being annoyed that teamviewer doesnt work due to teamviewer, he quit today.

In the end he can witness, I cleanly did these demos:

He says those accuracys aint high enough, however I want to see someone go over 60 against humans on era dm17 Winking (stable)

In the end, his main argument is that 80+ accuracys are impossible to shoot for me, while cypher, as langamer who is obviously clean to him can do so in a 1 of thousand game luck while having an rail accuracy of 46% in his profile (his average).

so heh, you guys decide. Smug

ps: he said he opens the next 200 post thread

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Joined: Mar 2007
Re: Killer's teamviewer test

gg Surprise!

I believe that God left certain drugs growing naturally upon our planet to
help speed up and facilitate our evolution. Okay, not the most popular
idea ever expressed. Either that or you’re real high and agreeing with
me in the only way you can right now. “I forgot the code, is it two
blinks yes, one blink no?” Do you think magic mushrooms growing atop cow
shit was an accident? Where do you think the phrase, ‘that’s good shit’
came from? Why do you think Hindus think cows are holy? Holy shit! Why
do I think McDonalds is the Anti-Christ? That’s Gods little accelerator
pad for our evolution. Let’s think about this, man.

Clan/TS Moderator
Joined: Aug 2009
PL Poland
Re: Killer's teamviewer test

Oh c'mon Skull, you're a smart guy and you still care about him and about the shits he wrote? Why you waste your time to create this thread, making demos/camera views/etc., instead of doing something more creative or useful? You wasting your time for fools man.

"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."
- Mark Twain

TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Killer's teamviewer test
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

He says those accuracys aint high enough, however I want to see someone go over 60 against humans on era dm17 Winking (stable)

The challenge is launched.

rUnThEoN?! wrote:

80+ accuracys are impossible to shoot for me

Even the best players of the world can be shot, but to win is another thing...

rUnThEoN?! wrote:

cypher, as langamer who is obviously clean to him can do so in a 1 of thousand game luck while having an rail accuracy of 46% in his profile (his average).

The best players on Quake Live can have 60+ accuracy, but I don't have seen above this yet.

rUnThEoN?! wrote:

so heh, you guys decide.

Sorry I made a mistake : I voted "killer is right" but I don't agree with his main argument.

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Re: Killer's teamviewer test
khaz' wrote:

Oh c'mon Skull, you're a smart guy and you still care about him and about the shits he wrote? Why you waste your time to create this thread, making demos/camera views/etc., instead of doing something more creative or useful? You wasting your time for fools man.

dooood ofcourse he is doing it for a show. Go skull go skull Happy

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Killer's teamviewer test
!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

dooood ofcourse he is doing it for a show. Go skull go skull Happy

I need a new signature :>>>

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Clan/TS Moderator
Joined: Aug 2009
PL Poland
Re: Killer's teamviewer test

I was just lil' bored and I was making fun with google images. I rofled when I typed "skullheadq3"... 7th picture in the first line. : >

I wonder why most of the results having a Zack's car picture in it. Zack, could you tell us? : - )

"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."
- Mark Twain

Fubar's picture
Joined: Feb 2009
GB United Kingdom
Re: Killer's teamviewer test

Skull , why everytime you get hooked by this guy ?

Hes an attention seeker , and just loves when anyone responds

Plz just ignore him at all costs

Children should be seen and not heard !

odin [EN]
Joined: Aug 2005
Re: Killer's teamviewer test

get a beer and chill man... who cares

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: Killer's teamviewer test

hi wotsup lol

I never really wrote a genuine Torz-e-book (TM) so would like to try. I even added illustrations so people don't get bored!

1) I seriously can't believe y'all ethnic minorities STILL take germankillirdud seriously. Things can't possibly be this grim when I am not on the radar Surprise

2) You guys are supercute and all when you talk about accuracy, BUT as my previous post showed (too bad it was lost in 22 pages of spam) shows, accuracy is not a representation of skill, just a contributing factor (Exhibit A attached)

read this if you can handle so many letters, this is excessive after all c: wrote:

^ now we have established the reason why a lot of the so called high-skillers left, please note the following:

Sleepy Accuracy is not a direct representation of skill. If a player is trying to acc-whore, they are only shooting to kill and are more likely to get hit by that spam rocket, skillfully placed nades or one of those "just in case" rails that go into corridors or angled doors.

ii) Overall accuracy is not the same as railgun accuracy. Obviously most people here only refer to their rail accuracy instead of overall accuracies (just one of the reasons why this mod is not appealing to mainstream deathmatchers x) ) . I mean what difference does it make if a guy is hitting 63 percent rail if he bfg jumps everywhere like Speedy Gonzalez on PCP and plasma spams every doorway into oblivion? What sort of aim diety is that? Hark! What cruel fate hast thou befallen?

iii) A simple addition of 1+2 (xd plz).Different gamestyles offer different rewards. For example, Trance was easily in the top3 of players to play.this mod post-2005 (other two being harding and marfuz if you are wondering) yet his accuracy was usually in the 10-30 range because he railjumped to move and played with snappy shots into corridors. Yet his flickshooting, reactions and angle shots were naturally one of the best (playing tourney1 duels or being stuck @ plasma chair in cpm14 with 3-4 enemies and come out on top due to amazing bfg+flickrail combos were amazing to watch.

Torzelan on the other hand, when actively playing here, was like a personification of Thor, hitting bolts of doom and death was no stranger to 50-70 accuracies. I remember it happened in a clanwar once during oskaliber's freeze cup (20 clans took part!).

3) QL/any vq3 based duel is a terrible example when comparing accuracy, as there are a number of factors, the prime examples of which are pressure, positioning, setting traps and (with a lack of a better word) luck: A player who gets spawn advantage can take immediate control of the map, and create a series of elaborate traps and land easy shots, which will cause the other player to try to escape a much better stacked opponent, and that in turn, will cause the attacker to build on their stack advantage. An outstacked and chased player, no matter of their skill rating, is easy pickings. (only difference is that someone with a 1800+ duel ELO rank would be able to deal with an out-of-control situation much better, and should they keep a level head, be able to drag the match out, and build an out-of-control advantage).

It means, dear Ladies and Gentlemen, that the attacker can land easy rail shots and have a rail accuracy range of 75-100% after 15-20 shots. Allow me to demonstrate (and break the 60% threshold in the process):

Our first victim, from my own private stash, shows classic symptoms of a Rabbit hunt: Our hero, spawning on the RA, manages to hobo prince a Lightning gun and possibly a YA straight away and immediately starts chasing. At first unphased, the subject gets pinned down a wall with a might LG stream. The dodging and defensive rockets are clearly no match for a CPM SHAFT CHEMPION M8, and what follows is a cunning game of cat and mouse with lucky spam rockets and intricately placed rails. From the in-game screenshot (which was not included since Nemis's bro ended up ragequitting after 2 minutes 43 seconds), it can be said that the protagonist has hit 10/12 rails. Should anybody have the audacity to call Nemis's older bro (who's a really good TDM'er btw) a noob cruelly made a funny example of, the replay with more fair starting terms and an ability to counterattack ended 17-12 in my favour.

Luck and aerowalk tele-sneaking rapes aside, here is a much more recent example (literally this is my friend and teammate yRX's most recent game q:) :

Please note that the losing subject in this case has a slightly higher ELO than yours truly. I wasn't there so can't really pinpoint anything, except that t7 is a good map for defensive rails, and has textbook exmples on trap-baiting and rail positioning. And that the subject lasted 8 minutes instead of 3.

Finally, here's a perfect example from DreamHack about Rail performance from LAN-grade players:!profile/matches/rapha/2011-12-01/dbfdff4a-1845-11e1-866f-00259031fd90/duel/1

Please note that a) this game lasted the full 10 minutes and Cool Strenx (player on the losing side) is unarguably one of the current top3 duellers in the word. (Stermy also has been once seen winning a full 10 minute t7 game vs ins with ~80% rail)

Finally, rail differences in accuracy between instagib and vq3 are sky-high. It's like entering a classic Chevy Red Shark convertible into a Dune Buggy race... it could work but why risk it?
The logic behind it is simple, because the implications of using rail in vq3 are heavy (who wants to either a) miss a rail and end up with a fistful of rockets or Cool hit 2 perfect rails and dish out 160 (200 in osp) damage only to be splattered into the wall by an LG of player with 30hp... so you could hit 2 perfect rails and still get fucked)... while in instagib, either the other player misses too or a chain attack of 2 rail hits gets you 2 frags.

4) SKULL LAY OFF CYPHER, he can have bad games too (if funnyb's on the other team c: )

If you read it this far,

p.s. A little bit offtopic, but this whole topic was made to prove dumbasses are wrong (hi, killir and french guy) so might as well!

Please disregards anything this Delight character may write, since everything he's written so far is wrong and misleading. Not only is he a complete amateur in QuakeLive (my only sighting of him was in lolCA when i saw my dear friend and acquaintance Oskaliber on a QL server and joined to chat and play. Not only was he outplayed by (both of us chatting mid-game as well) yours truly and Oska who has been inactive for more than a year, but he also managed to get a net of -1500. It takes special skill to get -1500 on a tier3 public CA server.

Not only that, but he constantly keeps bringing down e- more than I ever did during Edawne times (which ironically, wasn't a lot), on top of which he plays here more than he ever did before quitting. (you need special dedication to playing here to run into me on a public server.
After losing to a heavily intoxicated chav, he proceeded to complain about noob railonly configs and how he would own me 1v1.
failing to do so, he proceeded to say how e- is a retarded lucky config and how he is tired of it and how he is awesome @ QL. Asked him several times to play QL since I have an account there (i was in spec after losing to Azrael). Unfortunately, the next map was Aerowalk, which our pro-vq3'er didn't have (rare map innit). He failed to reconnect after an immediate change of map and rode of into the sunset.

Avoid misinformation by retards, kids, only listen to vq3/QL/cpm opinions from ESReality, Clanbase, ESL, QuadV or Tek-9 approved writers


nonsense repellent declamatory