I've problem wth Quake 3 :]]]

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Joined: Mar 2006
I've problem wth Quake 3 :]]]

And i'd like to say sorry to peaople that have miss understood me and thought something that i never ment...

Tak, jestem z polski, ale mieszkam w szwecji.. I stad szwedzka flaga:]

Joined: Mar 2006
I've problem wth Quake 3 :]]]
FIREFOX wrote:

In my opinion this guy is a fake. Read his first post carefully guys and look at his location, it says Poland but there is a SWE flag.
I dont think he is that much of a PRO Gamer
He has made some other posts, just go to his profile etc and find other posts by him. You will be surprised.
I wish that people would be honest about thier identity and not try to hide

Hahaha... omg man.. Surprised of what? What have i done? I am not a pro, but i made nickname like that and nobody can for forbid me to create account that i'ld like to have. I can create nickname "Jesus". Are u gonna write "omg, he is a fake! Jesus died 2006 years ago, it's impossible! I cannot be true!"

n/c Happy

EOT pls.

Ok nvmd, just forget it and the whole situation.

ad "i are".. hah.. just a mistake Winking it supposed to be you are... but nobody's perfect i wish;)
And if it's a big problem with my nick... I can go on compromise and just change my nickname.

// Omg sry for multiposting.

Tak, jestem z polski, ale mieszkam w szwecji.. I stad szwedzka flaga:]

parasight [E+]
parasight's picture
Joined: Sep 2004
I've problem wth Quake 3 :]]]

Well, if it was really a misunderstanding, then I'm sorry about that.