IUFC \ DS 2 : 0 MR \ 20.04.2008
Death Sentence 2 : 0 Mr
1. q3dm6 (mr map) 20:10
2. q3dm7 (ds map) 16:6
PunkBuster: On
Pure: On
Server: eXcessive+IU freeze-league I
As you can see there is no ref, so ive recorded myself and my team. MR were recording too.
gg, but i didnt enjoy this game, Ds and Mr were camping all the time so i hadnt got fun
Nice to see more then 4 ds in server, gg both
it wasnt GG at all, just waste of time, no interest no fun, only stupid camp
and @morph MR hadn't been camping all the time but DS 99% of time was all 4 in 1 room and we were on rest of map rooms
anticamp not strong enough to aviod such bull****
Doc what г want from pnly rail cup?ofc all camp everytime
Next cup will be only gaunlet i think...

Doc what г want from pnly rail cup?ofc all camp everytime
Next cup will be only gaunlet i think...
look drt demos

Doc what г want from pnly rail cup?ofc all camp everytime
Next cup will be only gaunlet i think...
I dont think there was much camping between DRT and 2!S, since both clans cant denie their NEED to move.
Even if DRT or 2!S plans to camp, it doesnt work.
And it was a pretty interesting game between 2!S and DRT, since we was stronger than DRT expected
About camping, it is all about the clans, not so much about the config. (I dont say 2!S never camps, but way less as most other clans)
The cup until now, is for 2!S more fun as we expected.
nice done