Im a noob, plz help :)
26. March 2005 - 12:42
When i want to play lan with excessiveplus, then my aim-thingie is gray? <--like this
Anyone know what to do about it?
26. March 2005 - 13:14
Im a noob, plz help :)
yeah, many moths ago i had this prob too. i have reinstall quake than pointrelease 1.32 and then excessiveplus 1.01, only then it was fine
did not help everything else, only reinstall quake.
26. March 2005 - 13:47
Im a noob, plz help :)
agree with dragon..
or some .pak file is broken in the course of download..
26. March 2005 - 14:59
i think more you have downloaded only pak1.pk3 so you have to install pak0.pk3 and put pak1.pk3 in the excessiveplus folder that help an lot
i reinstalled quake3 and updates... It works now.. Thanks dudes