How to edit .QVM files

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miguelpinto's picture
Joined: Jun 2009

I'm trying to make a small thing to excessiveplus mod... nothing special.. only a nice menu, with new characters, some art and use a nice new hud.
Editing Pk3 files is not problem... but... i dont know hot to edit QVM files...
Can you help me?

Joined: Feb 2006
How to edit .QVM files

Predator, you can't directly edit QVM files, those are compiled Quake Virtual Machine files which contains bytecode (a slightly higher level than machine code). You need the Quake 3 SDK to modify and alter Quake 3, and then compile the modified files with the ID compiler (a modified LCC compiler) supplied in this same SDK package.

Although, if I am correct (though I haven't checked deeply), the UI part of Excessive Plus has not been touched, so if you recompiled with a few modifications and included the file (ui.qvm) into the Excessive Plus folder under the vm directory, it would work, though you wouldn't be pure anymore.