Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun

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darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun
alienM wrote:

3M'darkangel wrote:
alienM wrote:
3M'darkangel wrote:
alienM wrote:
I still think banana itself is best of bananaclones,
sometimes the negative rail knockback was annoying but then again it came in handy when frozen bodies of enemies were in lava/slime and you could drag them out.
also preventing enemies to thaw teammates.

There is no "bananaclones". First one was Hiszy config (© Warrior. All rights reserved.) Then was made railmania and then after 2 configs was made banana config. So all are actually Hiszy clones. REAL Hiszy clones. What warrior think about this plagiarism Server and config with his reserved name), I don't even want to know or imagine...

first was like 6-7 years ago a CHS cfg Winking pls keep the real stuff clean for ppl, thx. Bananarail was made to be clean cfg with a sod mod in mind as well, just a side note.

Ahh, dear Darky, I am so glad to see that you finally repaired PC. Maybe you can finally propose us date for play cup war? Happy
P.S. If I am not wrong, Illca helped you to make that primary config. I wish I can find now Illca to ask him how nice opinion he has about people which he helped... Winking

I wont play from laptop :} I cant now even play the plus cup Confused . illca didnt helped to make the primary cfg, cut aka piranha helped, if i remember correctly he was even the first one to have a server here with that cfg, cos freezemania at that time was something related to CTF and onlyrail etc if i remember correctly, then we had that server for 1-2 weeks and shot it down cos he had it runing in his PC, then appeared freezemania.

As always, you don't remember correctly. The night when I bring you and Wieja (apologize to e+ community for that) on my server, it was CTF server on some config similar as r4e09f. That night we talked that next days I will run second server which will be similar as Hiszy (because Hiszy was removed from e+ spider). Railmania appeared at least 1 month before your config and you know that very well. I remember one part of our conversation in which you were so huge noob. You wanted mix and put together server adn weapon config and you wondered why it not work... plz Xd

When the cut's server were runing seems u didnt even noticed about it (or maybe did, thats why u made a railmania after m? Happy since the serer.cfg, cfg inself and all other variables cut made himself, at that time i didnt had any idea about server variables, i didnt even knew about picmip Big grin im just saying that i strongly remember that cut did the first server here about that cfg, and wieja and me decided to keep it since server was runing in cut's pc, thats all :] anyway if u want smth more pm, the topic goes again to no where. Just remember when u say hiszy was first, remember chs, i dislike when information goes wrong from beginning, and those who were first are forgotten. Cheers and peace out Winking

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun
3M'darkangel wrote:

alienM wrote:
3M'darkangel wrote:
alienM wrote:
3M'darkangel wrote:
alienM wrote:
I still think banana itself is best of bananaclones,
sometimes the negative rail knockback was annoying but then again it came in handy when frozen bodies of enemies were in lava/slime and you could drag them out.
also preventing enemies to thaw teammates.

There is no "bananaclones". First one was Hiszy config (© Warrior. All rights reserved.) Then was made railmania and then after 2 configs was made banana config. So all are actually Hiszy clones. REAL Hiszy clones. What warrior think about this plagiarism Server and config with his reserved name), I don't even want to know or imagine...

first was like 6-7 years ago a CHS cfg Winking pls keep the real stuff clean for ppl, thx. Bananarail was made to be clean cfg with a sod mod in mind as well, just a side note.

Ahh, dear Darky, I am so glad to see that you finally repaired PC. Maybe you can finally propose us date for play cup war? Happy
P.S. If I am not wrong, Illca helped you to make that primary config. I wish I can find now Illca to ask him how nice opinion he has about people which he helped... Winking

I wont play from laptop :} I cant now even play the plus cup Confused . illca didnt helped to make the primary cfg, cut aka piranha helped, if i remember correctly he was even the first one to have a server here with that cfg, cos freezemania at that time was something related to CTF and onlyrail etc if i remember correctly, then we had that server for 1-2 weeks and shot it down cos he had it runing in his PC, then appeared freezemania.

As always, you don't remember correctly. The night when I bring you and Wieja (apologize to e+ community for that) on my server, it was CTF server on some config similar as r4e09f. That night we talked that next days I will run second server which will be similar as Hiszy (because Hiszy was removed from e+ spider). Railmania appeared at least 1 month before your config and you know that very well. I remember one part of our conversation in which you were so huge noob. You wanted mix and put together server adn weapon config and you wondered why it not work... plz Xd

When the cut's server were runing seems u didnt even noticed about it (or maybe did, thats why u made a railmania after m? Happy since the serer.cfg, cfg inself and all other variables cut made himself, at that time i didnt had any idea about server variables, i didnt even knew about picmip Big grin im just saying that i strongly remember that cut did the first server here about that cfg, and wieja and me decided to keep it since server was runing in cut's pc, thats all :] anyway if u want smth more pm, the topic goes again to no where. Just remember when u say hiszy was first, remember chs, i dislike when information goes wrong from beginning, and those who were first are forgotten. Cheers and peace out Winking

At least 1 months (probably around 2 months) I had 2 servers runned on in same time (CTF one and FTAG one). Also Wieja confessed me how you gain players on your primary server: sending pm on gametracker to all your old friends from Hiszy, stealing players from there and saying how Hiszy has bad ping and how bad admin is Warrior, so "they should come to your paradise", plz Xd. Then Wieja was shoted from BC (because the person without which you can't even fart). But, I am tired to repeat this so many time, seems nobody care, even I don't care anymore. Do what you want with your life and "your" config. Only thing which I care about you is WHEN we can play our match. My mates are pretty inactive so I need ask and inform them about CW few days before it. And since you have around 20 players in your clan, I am sure that 3-4 of them are ready to play some evening this week... Winking

BekiFiN's picture
Joined: Sep 2010
Re: Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun

And then Wieja, Meteor kid and me created Campstyle what was straight copy from banana cfg.

Aaah the good "old" times when i was fresh meat on the servers and learning to play. Big grin

darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun

@alienM, seems u still dont get the point on what i said :] the stuff wasnt about banana or railmania, first of all was about who and where was first bfg and nades cfg, keep that in mind for future, at least i hope u can memorize this. About wieja, me and him knows perfectly why he was kicked out, he even apologized for all, and same did i with him life is to short to argue, specialy about e+ Confused (stuff which u love to do by the way lol). About players, pls go and check the clandate base and see who are actives and who arent, then think, check again and think again about what u just said about 20 players, also as i said 3m is out of cup due to that problems. And now go and tell me who is going to lead the clan and play, always when we talk to each other in forums i always have the feeling that i talk with a wall...

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun

idk. for what the fuck u do agrue

warior was weirdo, or he still is, and that's a fact

the movement bfg and other weapons exist far before any of u did know about something like e+ or excessive exist, fact

warior based the cfg on bro/plus cfg, another fact

for what the fuck u do argue so much? for fuck sake all of u copied the config warrior included, so give me a break...

I am addicted to life.

darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun
animalchik wrote:

idk. for what the fuck u do agrue

warior was weirdo, or he still is, and that's a fact

the movement bfg and other weapons exist far before any of u did know about something like e+ or excessive exist, fact

warior based the cfg on bro/plus cfg, another fact

for what the fuck u do argue so much? for fuck sake all of u copied the config warrior included, so give me a break...

This :} but also chs had smth similar, fact is, the bfg+nades exist far before warrior hiszy stuff...so no idea why milena is write copyright warrior lol...anyway hope we back on topic Big grin

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
US United States
Re: Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun
3M'darkangel wrote:

as i said 3m is out of cup

wat? u pidar and noob. XD

trb's picture
Joined: Jul 2010
Re: Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun

Whats the point of trying to force some people to play if they say they cant? Mb they have a good reason to leave the cup which is actually a clan decision and nothing to argue about.

silence is better than bullshit

zarzyn's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun
3M'darkangel wrote:

Darky and Fala and all other troll reading this topic. Why this talk is in this place Tongue wery simple.

I still think banana itself is best of bananaclones

. Bopoh not reply for it. Also Admin of rus-rail- and Hft team. Who can reply on that sentence. WHO >Who can feel like worse with that sentence.

alienM wrote:
There is no "bananaclones". First one was Hiszy config (© Warrior. All rights reserved.) Then was made railmania and then after 2 configs was made banana config.

alienM wrote:

seems nobody care, even I don't care anymore.

Even milena dont care which cfg was Faster (ofc if railmania was she dont care if not she care )


darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun
JUMPS'FPS! wrote:

3M'darkangel wrote:
as i said 3m is out of cup

wat? u pidar and noob. XD

no im just a guy without gaming pc for some weeks xD

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway