Hiszy FREEZE LIKE Edition 2013 beta railgun
Hello guys,
I upload here the config which is currently up on hiszy server ( http://www.excessiveplus.net/spider/hiszy-ftag-fff - ) The Hiszy team are playing on and hope many will like to play against us on this cfg.
hey nice config man, butr i just wonder a thing. i used to play E+ sometime ago and back then it was a rival between E+and hiszy, have they buried the war axe these days or what?? since hiszy is in the servers spider and all i guess soo??
Their Hiszy server is not the original Hiszy that been around in past run by Warrior on own cfg and server binary
You will not find to much oponents for That Cfg atm it is not popular, Bigger chance to play on fastrail.cfg becasue sometimes clans need practice.
I still think banana itself is best of bananaclones,
sometimes the negative rail knockback was annoying but then again it came in handy when frozen bodies of enemies were in lava/slime and you could drag them out.
also preventing enemies to thaw teammates.

I still think banana itself is best of bananaclones,
sometimes the negative rail knockback was annoying but then again it came in handy when frozen bodies of enemies were in lava/slime and you could drag them out.
also preventing enemies to thaw teammates.
There is no "bananaclones". First one was Hiszy config (© Warrior. All rights reserved.) Then was made railmania and then after 2 configs was made banana config. So all are actually Hiszy clones. REAL Hiszy clones. What warrior think about this plagiarism Server and config with his reserved name), I don't even want to know or imagine...

I still think banana itself is best of bananaclones,
sometimes the negative rail knockback was annoying but then again it came in handy when frozen bodies of enemies were in lava/slime and you could drag them out.
also preventing enemies to thaw teammates.There is no "bananaclones". First one was Hiszy config (© Warrior. All rights reserved.) Then was made railmania and then after 2 configs was made banana config. So all are actually Hiszy clones. REAL Hiszy clones. What warrior think about this plagiarism Server and config with his reserved name), I don't even want to know or imagine...
first was like 6-7 years ago a CHS cfg pls keep the real stuff clean for ppl, thx. Bananarail was made to be clean cfg with a sod mod in mind as well, just a side note.

I still think banana itself is best of bananaclones,
sometimes the negative rail knockback was annoying but then again it came in handy when frozen bodies of enemies were in lava/slime and you could drag them out.
also preventing enemies to thaw teammates.There is no "bananaclones". First one was Hiszy config (© Warrior. All rights reserved.) Then was made railmania and then after 2 configs was made banana config. So all are actually Hiszy clones. REAL Hiszy clones. What warrior think about this plagiarism Server and config with his reserved name), I don't even want to know or imagine...
first was like 6-7 years ago a CHS cfg
pls keep the real stuff clean for ppl, thx. Bananarail was made to be clean cfg with a sod mod in mind as well, just a side note.
Ahh, dear Darky, I am so glad to see that you finally repaired PC. Maybe you can finally propose us date for play cup war?
P.S. If I am not wrong, Illca helped you to make that primary config. I wish I can find now Illca to ask him how nice opinion he has about people which he helped...

I still think banana itself is best of bananaclones,
sometimes the negative rail knockback was annoying but then again it came in handy when frozen bodies of enemies were in lava/slime and you could drag them out.
also preventing enemies to thaw teammates.There is no "bananaclones". First one was Hiszy config (© Warrior. All rights reserved.) Then was made railmania and then after 2 configs was made banana config. So all are actually Hiszy clones. REAL Hiszy clones. What warrior think about this plagiarism Server and config with his reserved name), I don't even want to know or imagine...
first was like 6-7 years ago a CHS cfg
pls keep the real stuff clean for ppl, thx. Bananarail was made to be clean cfg with a sod mod in mind as well, just a side note.
Ahh, dear Darky, I am so glad to see that you finally repaired PC. Maybe you can finally propose us date for play cup war?
P.S. If I am not wrong, Illca helped you to make that primary config. I wish I can find now Illca to ask him how nice opinion he has about people which he helped...
I wont play from laptop :} I cant now even play the plus cup . illca didnt helped to make the primary cfg, cut aka piranha helped, if i remember correctly he was even the first one to have a server here with that cfg, cos freezemania at that time was something related to CTF and onlyrail etc if i remember correctly, then we had that server for 1-2 weeks and shot it down cos he had it runing in his PC, then appeared freezemania. Ow yea and about cfg, many ppl gave their opinions and did a modifications with it.

I still think banana itself is best of bananaclones,
sometimes the negative rail knockback was annoying but then again it came in handy when frozen bodies of enemies were in lava/slime and you could drag them out.
also preventing enemies to thaw teammates.There is no "bananaclones". First one was Hiszy config (© Warrior. All rights reserved.) Then was made railmania and then after 2 configs was made banana config. So all are actually Hiszy clones. REAL Hiszy clones. What warrior think about this plagiarism Server and config with his reserved name), I don't even want to know or imagine...
first was like 6-7 years ago a CHS cfg
pls keep the real stuff clean for ppl, thx. Bananarail was made to be clean cfg with a sod mod in mind as well, just a side note.
Ahh, dear Darky, I am so glad to see that you finally repaired PC. Maybe you can finally propose us date for play cup war?
P.S. If I am not wrong, Illca helped you to make that primary config. I wish I can find now Illca to ask him how nice opinion he has about people which he helped...I wont play from laptop :} I cant now even play the plus cup
. illca didnt helped to make the primary cfg, cut aka piranha helped, if i remember correctly he was even the first one to have a server here with that cfg, cos freezemania at that time was something related to CTF and onlyrail etc if i remember correctly, then we had that server for 1-2 weeks and shot it down cos he had it runing in his PC, then appeared freezemania.
As always, you don't remember correctly. The night when I bring you and Wieja (apologize to e+ community for that) on my server, it was CTF server on some config similar as r4e09f. That night we talked that next days I will run second server which will be similar as Hiszy (because Hiszy was removed from e+ spider). Railmania appeared at least 1 month before your config and you know that very well. I remember one part of our conversation in which you were so huge noob. You wanted mix and put together server and weapon config and you wondered why it not work... plz Xd
Was warrior but Red carpet.
And I just remade the cfg which where setted there