
12 replies [Last post]
Reno's picture
Joined: Sep 2006

you spamming, switch whore, mg horny whores, bfg door way spamming, lg water pistol spamming, noob style nade jamming. but we love you anyway Happy

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006

want to bitch at that keep dude

pffff go away "rat" - jump to next clan

yeeep, cos my record of 2 proper clanrank clans in 2 years is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO clanhopper style.

So is the fact that i was told that im not in clan anymore when i dedicate meself to it in Priv, and not choosing to stay cos i felt the clan changed from its original roots way too much (1 member from my feb 2007 left? comeooooooooooon)

So is the leaving topic i made explaining why exactly i left, which accoriding to Keep just shows how much of a traitor i am.

So is the fact i still keep in touch with Killirbitch, Reno and Beast, as well as all the new DA guys that i actually know when i see them in game (green, ronin, etc.) whenever i actually am home long enough and in the mood to play.

Word of advice to Keep... be normal and sociable like Abarth, and dont play this game too much or take it too seriously cos you're pushing 30 dude.

Peace to actual guys understood the sarcasm in what i wrote in the 2!s - DA match, especially Abarth and Unreal who didnt seem so disgusted by a little joke.


nonsense repellent declamatory