Helping a Clan..

16 replies [Last post]

Ok all im going to join a clan for around 2 months.
if you feel you could use an exp player plz reply with reasons.

One clan with the best or most reasons will get me..
Im not always going to be able to play in all cws or training coz i dont have alot of free time but ill try to be there im only doing this to help a clan so you feel my use could be helpfull leave reply with reason's.

thx Zack.

Dealinha's picture
Joined: May 2006
Helping a Clan..

kTm clan needs some help about cws.
And we need new players whit good skills, who are polite and friendly..
Most of kTm's are inactive so we need new players.

I'll be glad if u join us Winking

FIREFOX's picture
Joined: Jul 2004
Helping a Clan..

Shock :roll: :-#

ar4xis's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Helping a Clan..

Other way around. The player must make some effort to try to get into a clan, not the other way around.

/edit - spelling mistake

stoffel's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Helping a Clan..

you want money for join a clan ? or all should say pls pls pls join us ? Evil

i think this post is not the right way, and i wish not clan posted here for this s*** .


BUGS *WGVD* wrote:

The Marcel Reich-Ranicki of Quake has spoken Winking jk

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Helping a Clan..

Aw, cmon guys, you didn't understood what Zack was trying to do. He's not being arrogant, he just dosen't want to send zounds of PM's to different clans (like i didn't want to do when i posted a similar topic way back when). It's more like he's checking his options, no need to attack him, sheesh.

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Helping a Clan..

problem is that u dont have enoguh time for playing always as u said.
ktm has enough and good players there shouldnt be a problem (i know all clans want good players but then u also could join any other clan like 2!s and more and more)
so gl with finding something that fits u Happy

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Helping a Clan..


2!S is atm no option, we have more the opposite problem that we have right now nearly too much players. Sure, some are quite inactiv right now, but summer is ending soon.

We have memberstop!

Forum moderator
Zack's picture
Joined: Sep 2003
Helping a Clan..
*stoffel* wrote:

you want money for join a clan ? or all should say pls pls pls join us ? Evil

no need for the sarcasm wrong answer.

*stoffel* wrote:

i think this post is not the right way, and i wish not clan posted here for this s*** .

shame your like that yet IO is a great person dunno were she found you.

maybe i didnt make my self clear to begin with? ill make it nice easy an simple now.
First one to reply here who wants me in there clan with a rank below 8 may have me if they feel i could be usefull to their clan for a short time or maybe a long time depends on how things go.
ill do the best i can to be online for cw's, trainings an try to help boost your clan up the clan rank ladder.
pm me if you need times im avalible then maybe we could work round somthing.
i only do this to help a clan nuffin more
dont post anything if you dont have anything nice to say
you have problem like stoffel pm me.

trivium's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
Helping a Clan..

^8Zack[wiZ] :
stoffel : you want money for join a clan ? or all should say pls pls pls join us ? Evil

no need for the sarcasm wrong answer.

stoffel: i think this post is not the right way, and i wish not clan posted here for this s*** .

shame your like that yet IO is a great person dunno were she found you.

maybe i didnt make my self clear to begin with? ill make it nice easy an simple now.
First one to reply here who wants me in there clan with a rank below 8 may have me if they feel i could be usefull to their clan for a short time or maybe a long time depends on how things go.
ill do the best i can to be online for cw's, trainings an try to help boost your clan up the clan rank ladder.
pm me if you need times im avalible then maybe we could work round somthing.
i only do this to help a clan nuffin more
dont post anything if you dont have anything nice to say
you have problem like stoffel pm me.

u wanna join ntg?? we need some skilled players so that hole clan trains to gether to get better so that we can win cw's against good clans.

playing on
[mouse]: ie 3.0
[mousepad]: corepad eyepad xxl
[keyboard]: Steelseries 6gv2
[headphones]: SteelSeries Siberia v2
[monitor]: Samsung Syncmaster 1000s 21"

ghost wrote:

its the people whos piss me of not the game, im never ever played an game on wich all is perfect to mine preferences there are always things to wich im must get used and acept them as they are no mater i like them or not i will try to understand thier mechanism and use for mine adventage

Wicked666's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
PL Poland
Helping a Clan..

BBS has good players, but now there are few of us, so any help to collect 5 players for cw would be great. We would be glad if you'd join us.