[Fixed] PLUSC.CFG ! ERROR: plusc.cfg:76 accessing unknown attribute 'shootableitems'
Gametype changed, clearing session data.
ERROR: conf/plusc.cfg:76 accessing unknown attribute 'shootableitems'
ERROR: conf/plusc.cfg:76 assigning unknown attribute 'shootableitems'
broadcast: print "^3Excessive Plus^7: plusc.cfg v4.4, ^sloaded!\n"
today noticed
OK, you can FIX by editing 70 line :
Shootable Items = 0; to Items { Shootable = no; };
"shootableitems" is old var. in 2.0+ it should be:
Items { Shootable = no; (or yes) ... }
You've propably used old e+ version config. There are more changes - check documentation (side menu)
plusc in zip file
i told camel about this issue some time ago, but he was i/a then, so i guess he forgot to fix it.
Tried to remove line Shootable Items = 0;
or change it to (default)
Items -> Shootable = no;
which is the same as
Items { Shootable = no; }

Items { Shootable = no; }
Yes, this fix the problem!
same version, as mine posted are too 4.4
(so here comes naming problem ?) anyway see date diff
suggested (asphyx) cfg:
Config {
Name = "plusc.cfg v4.4";
Date = "4 Jan 2010";
Author = "Camel-XP <camel_xp@tlen.pl>";
Config {
Name = "plusc.cfg v4.4";
$cfg_name = "plusc.cfg v4.4";
$cfg_date = "18 Jan 2010";
Date = "18 Jan 2010";
Author = "Camel-XP <camel_xp@tlen.pl>";
anyway both versions have same problem:
ERROR: conf/plusc.cfg:70 accessing unknown attribute 'shootableitems'
ERROR: conf/plusc.cfg:70 assigning unknown attribute 'shootableitems'
broadcast: print "^3Excessive Plus^7: plusc.cfg v4.4 ^sloaded!\n"
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