[Fixed] Droped sounds/delayed sounds

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Trollet's picture
Joined: Apr 2006

Noticed that pretty often some audio isnt there from enemy players - Like landingsounds, railsounds, jumpsounds sometimes drops.

Also there is delay on some players, you kill them and then you can still hear them jumping/walking afterwards.

Alla blå bär är blå bär - även blåbär - men det är bara blåbär som är blåbär.
A cloud pooped out a rainbow turd.

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Droped sounds/delayed sounds
[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

19. November 2009 - 7:32
enemy jumpsound is played AFTER a frag causing confusion (can someone
verify this so it isn't my s_ values?)

Maybe we can pretend this is another one of those infamous placebo effects, since everything was undoubtably improved.

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Droped sounds/delayed sounds

april fool?

that problem is prolly client side.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Perk's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Droped sounds/delayed sounds

and what can one do on clientside? it is really anoying running into gauntlets because one neither hears the steps nor the "bzzz"

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rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
Re: Droped sounds/delayed sounds
Laktos wrote:

Noticed that pretty often some audio isnt there from enemy players - Like landingsounds, railsounds, jumpsounds sometimes drops.

Can you provide a demo where this happens? It's pretty possible that such bugs do exist, but they would from the vq3 era and not specific to e+ or this new version.

Laktos wrote:

Also there is delay on some players, you kill them and then you can still hear them jumping/walking afterwards.

Fixed on next release.

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