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e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

settings in old 1.03 e5r and new official e5 are practicly the same. ofc few extra things like bfg nade settings(actualy these are in default.cfg) and slow switch.
only thing that needed to be changed was switch speed increased and spawn protection removed for ctf at least.

u can try it at borg hq. i will remove its password tonight. (ofc on borg rail damage is increased for isnta kill Laughing )

only things i find with the one i posted here http://forums.excessiveplus.net/download.php?id=25169
bfg seems to be more lethal. i guess this is related to the grenade settings on it.
but ofc this is the same setting as in the official one.

switch + fire time is odd. maybe a tiny bit more delay should be added on of the the settings. i used the setting from asphyx one

but really no need to re write alot of the conf like damges, knockbacks, grenade time to live, flag capture points, health/armor soft/hard limits etc Shock

anyway i still prefer feeling of 1.03

ps: i have a nub question.. where did e5r come from?? its not in 1.03 zip Worried

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hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

so e5 rail edition doesnt work on v2.0 i updated all suggestions and included new features in v2.6 ....see first page

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saturn's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

Will there be other versions after 2.6 e5r or it's the final version?
It's not really like 1.03 e5r... the BNT edition, running on BNT 1v1, is closer to the 1.03 feel.

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a
((((SaturN)))) wrote:

Will there be other versions after 2.6 e5r or it's the final version?
It's not really like 1.03 e5r... the BNT edition, running on BNT 1v1, is closer to the 1.03 feel.

the 1on1 and ffa from welcome to the bangladesh is the final version and similar to 1.03 only war train server have that 2.6 version for the e5r cup ....new one comes after the cup but 1on1 and ffa are final version and most similar to that old one



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unique * razer
raz's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
PL Poland
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

this is shit CFG, 'TeamKill' it isn't possible to bounce at friend bcos he death through BFG (TEAMKILL).

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

yea, this makes the complete config as such, bullshit, yes ofc. :roll:

-Leito-'s picture
Joined: Jan 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a
unique * razer wrote:

this is shit CFG, 'TeamKill' it isn't possible to bounce at friend bcos he death through BFG (TEAMKILL).

That you propably can't handle e5/e5r at all it doesn't mean that it's shit...
I can say what is shit - your post?

And in my opinion worst is that we have xxx nearly same configs but other versions each:@
I understand that server's owners can do what they think is good but so many versions make chaos.


hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

so my last comments are here :

then u havent any knowing about e5r.. this cfg with on welcome to bangladesh 1on1 and ffa is this similar rewrite thing from beast here to download ......

so when the beta coming out nobody want and make a e5r cfg nobody. so i have servers where running before e5r...so what i made is follow thing.

i write a e5r before i not all know about writings a cfg so ...i test many cfg and settings before i write my e5r ...

yes you laugh but nobody help me with that ( the last settings help by ali )

1. i take a plus cfg and take me a old e5r
2. i rewrite a plus cfg to e5r the i changed physics weapons cycle and many more.
3. so when my first version comes out , all cry that is shit not feels like 1.03 , yes i know but when its a new beta with new weapon in minus raising and dropping where can i know that all , can anybody know it before no all cry about the new weapon settings and for me was the fast shot to make a e5r, so then i accept the other and changed the cfg 1000 times and i take my comments from divx and he call me on borg is that cfg then the other say aha my cfg is so ....

thats was a nother beta problem so e5 rail edition doesnt work on v2.0 first i updated all suggestions and included new features in v2.6(beast help , fala help )

i dont know then was was right and what wrong so i test it and changed it and test it and changed it , so then was the 2.6 version born and i was near on to the old 1.03 . last i changed my bfg lg and items sections and now is very near but on bnt war train is the old one because of the cup ... all sign up with that cfg and i take it to the cup till is finished......

so the last i say is that ......i dont test it on ctf so all ctf player say to me arrrr so fucking up the cfg all is shit , i changed then all for the other and now all say that cfg is shit wtf nobody make it and i need it for my servers ,.....#

i can only say THANK YOU TO BEAST that he is a knowing man in this mod...... so he helps me and now i know a many what the settings and variables make so and i can write more cfg but i write newgods, rail cfg and epilepsy cfg with sodmod effect but the lazy asses in this community will only play on 4 servers wtf the only iam proud that my 1on1 and ffa servers always players there , the other servers are all empty and why can anybody say why ? i know it but i dont write it here my bad moods. sry for my angry english .... when u all want a better cfg then write it alone guyz , write it alone and test it when u have time, i have family and kids i take me the time for this here and nobody can make a good vibration word thx or so ....+

and now its me so neither bye

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saturn's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

You did a great job and I mean it! The BNT edition of e5r is totally okay!

outeris's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Re: e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

armn well some people have probs Happy then they cant describe more precisely what is "bullshit" :) 
armn so newgods is yours Happy right Happy cheers for ya for that one relaxing cfg 
*ps that's why i never posted or showed my own axe.cfg Happy.. now 1.03 gone cfg to... but it was playable at my server and that's all Happy what i liked  ;] play it too with others Happy

((((SaturN)))) wrote:

You did a great job and I mean it! The BNT edition of e5r is totally okay!


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