Excessive Speed - The movie
that was not my point, im pretty sure that after he watches that movie he won't start playing cpm, just wanted to prove his words are wrong, in fact, i doubt he bothered to download it, and in case he had already seen it [...]
Ohhh, sorry I forgot to answer
Yes, there is only mp4 format. But its ok mate, I will handle youtube case, I will upload it by myself soon.
np, mybe if i upload u will get more views? that's why i'm asking u.
I really like the movie!Some nice moves, clarity just fine, beats-kills timing really cool made also...I will love you forever for using 2 songs from Prodigy
How about a deal..start working on the next one very soon
Cool..Im sure some new guys will wanna come and see this mode for themselves
Cheers! Salute
I thought the same when i saw this http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1600463
Have Contenders on pc for ages. I like this movie very much. I love frags very much. Imo one of best cpma movies.
Contenders is an Inspiration for quakemovies. Saul's going to be in the second one
Also Abarth you should upload this one and Infinity to own3d.tv ... it's like Youtube for games movies
well done mate very good nice music good cutting
... thats why i like e+
.... hopefully it wont be ur last
.. good luck in the future this vid can deal with tribualtion
Good movie. As far as e+ movies go, definitely one of the best. I didn't like a few things, but i don't want to diminish the effort. Well done, man.
good day then ? lol
yey, i was in a movie
i dont know anything of CTF, but i really liked the movie, especially the editing and music. but imo there could have been a bit more cool frags (i like movies with less editing and more fragging action) but thats only my view. the entiere end was really cool with the flag time
all in all a very nice movie 4,5/5!!
Have Contenders on pc for ages. I like this movie very much. I love frags very much. Imo one of best cpma movies.
Nothing is impossible