Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)

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Joined: Apr 2005

Everything about pickup games here:


Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)

Stickied, and i thoroughly support this idea, count on me to jump into mirc as soon as i'll be able to from my home computer.

Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)

Im sorry but i dont see the point to this idea.

vroomfoondel's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)

he already kinda mentioned it in the first post. but i guess ill elaborate just a bit.

from my experience, mostly with cpm, vq3 and warsow pickups, pickup games are a cross between general random public games and clan games. in the sense that u get to play with a variety of people, while maintaining a certain standard of teamplay/fun. as an added bonus, since pickup games have a certain formality to them, people are generally not rude/assholes. Happy. also pickups are the primary way in which people learn team mode gameplay in vq3/ctf and a lot of other games (check out echbot.com/stats for a list of pickup channels with echbots).

in all, theyre a good way to organize clean and fun games. period.

ps: on a personal note, id prefer pickup games over public games cos of the sense of competitiveness. most pickups u get the feeling of wanting to win as a team rather than generally going around killing people and getting a big score individually.

#e+pickup #excessiveplus #class.clan

Joined: Sep 2005
Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)

good work guys Happy


Hallowed Be Thy Name
H4ll3luj4h's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)

hm I wanna help u, but first will some one must help me with options etc. .... I saw forum where Trance shows how to make it but I need more help Happy

When the priest comes to read me the last rites
I take a look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me
Can it be there's been some sort of an error
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
Is it really the end not some crazy dream
Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
It's not easy to stop from screaming
But words escape me when I try to speak
Tears they flow but why am I crying
After all am I not afraid of dying
Don't believe that there never is an end

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)

ask trance himself he is giving tutorials to everyone just for making the channel popular \Wave
its pretty easy btw

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

ask trance himself he is giving tutorials to everyone just for making the channel popular \Wave
its pretty easy btw

Yes, ask him. You'll get a bonus phone sex Big grin

smokin_hadz's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)

Yeh i mean its a good idea i spose but i dont really get it either, Kinda makes some players that maybe wanna play in it but may class thereselfs as noobish etc excluded from the comunity. It also makes newcomers or ppl that dunno how to use it a bit left out.

Like i sai ggod idea, just has a whole sense of high and mightyness to it too me.

Joined: Apr 2005
Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)

no no, Hadz you got it wrong. By 'noobs' i meant REAL noobs, the ones that cant tell rocket from rail etc. This is sort of a gather if u want to play some quality q3 games. Anyone is allowed as long as he has a decent behaviour etc. There is no "high-skill" requirements or anything like that. So feel free to take part if u like to.

smokin_hadz's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)

Ah i c. Most of the fun for me is the banter anywayz so i guess I am intreged to come along and get my ass kicked Happy

And wat do u mean no high skill so i can come along?? the cheeck of the boy XD

I jest.
Big grin