Excessive Plus Client Suggestion

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f1x's picture
Joined: Apr 2005

Hello Community!
Have you considering what if to make [E+] an online mod without necessity of Quake 3 installation? Same as Quake Live is made (http://www.quakelive.com/#!). It's much easier and better to use in our modern era. Quake 3 original setup is kinda glitchy and buggy to run these days.

darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Excessive Plus Client Suggestion

good idea, will u make it for us for free? Happy

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway

spraw's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Excessive Plus Client Suggestion

Even QL is going standalone.

Clan/TS Moderator
Joined: Aug 2009
PL Poland
Re: Excessive Plus Client Suggestion

Sounds like an excessive amount of time you need to spent over creating a mod all over again just for ~100 people. Won't happen I guess, no wonder why.
Plus, Quake 3 still isn't free to download and play so I think it would have to be legally approved by ID themselves and that means some good cash income for ID. Altough about that I am not sure because Urban Terror mod has a separate client independent of q3, that means you can download and play Urban Terror for free without a need of an original q3 key. I always wondered if that's 100% legal or they paid a dollar for the license and stuffs.
Anyway I'm no lawyer so I don't really have a clue about it, just guessing.

If it's legal and e+ would have it's own client independent of q3 there's a probability the popularity of e+ would highly increase, that means a good dollar for the forum owners [ads] and server providers. The only thing is that if there's anyone who can do it and has that much time.

"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."
- Mark Twain

f1x's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
Re: Excessive Plus Client Suggestion

Thanks for quick response. I agree with you.

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: Excessive Plus Client Suggestion

@ Khaz: it's legal and has been legal since 2005 (link

Which means it's legal to use the id tech 3 source code as a basis for a standalone game engine. That doesn't extend to third party generated content (such as maps and weapon/player skins) which are all are legal property of the creator. This is why it's legal to make Urban Terror, but not legal to steal maps from QL and repackage them for q3, like mzi did.


nonsense repellent declamatory

Joined: Mar 2011
Re: Excessive Plus Client Suggestion

It could be a good idea Winking I think if more people knew about this mod, it'd be more popular. Imo this mod has all things you can search for in a fps

cheers, divin

xvibenedykt's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
Re: Excessive Plus Client Suggestion

QL is installed on your pc (and soon will move out from browser). QL is not in cloud or outerspace D+

example of quake in browser: https://www.quaddicted.com/stuff/WebQuake/Client/WebQuake.htm
wolfenstein: http://wolf3d.atw.hu/

@Khaz, most easy way - you can do standalone game like urban terror or warsow based on quake 3/2 sources (are free). you just cannot use things from pak0.pk3 in mostly (textures sounds etc) Tongue

Actually devs and rankmods should think about move to ioquake (and make game 100% free and legal for every single person) since time when we do not need PB - we have antiwallhack and antiautoshot already inside mod. with mvds we can catch all suspected cheaters.