DragoN's new mouse
8. June 2007 - 2:37
HAHA i own, i have a mouse no one has now haha . I got a hold on to the G5 right? AND I PAINTED IT. Check it out see how much it owns.
Tell me how much it owns and how much you would pay to have it =].
8. June 2007 - 2:47
DragoN's new mouse
i dont want to pay , i ll buy paint , and paint my
8. June 2007 - 2:54
DragoN's new mouse
hmmmm :scratch:
looks cheap...hehe
nice one man:)
8. June 2007 - 3:00
DragoN's new mouse
Wow, looks like the paint was stolen..
8. June 2007 - 5:51
Re: DragoN's new mouse
u painted it urself? or sth else?
nice anyway
8. June 2007 - 10:36
DragoN's new mouse
hmm id not pay anything for it, because its boring
just 1 color
buy some more colors and design something
8. June 2007 - 13:26
DragoN's new mouse
nice try
but some more colors would be better
9. June 2007 - 15:42
DragoN's new mouse
.... I want one
9. June 2007 - 19:20
DragoN's new mouse

it owns, IT OWNS!!!!
The mouse, not u
... j/k man
yes i painted it myself.
more colors, design probably, but more colors? Yea it might look cool with lime green, some gold, a nice teal, and a blood red? that would look sweet
BTW the led light is blue but the flash on the camera took it out.
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