Disruption In E+ Community

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Joined: Sep 2003
Disruption In E+ Community

Yeah, it bothers me too..

These comments are NOT helping the community, quite the opposite. But as I said in another thread, IF we are talking about a new league or similar its another story

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Disruption In E+ Community

No! It is not pointed in that way, I was trying to reasure us all Winking
Not trying to gain power & Delight over watching people squirm, that is the exact opposite!

All I say, is lets just try and work as a community on this, bring people in and whatsoever... As it is 'Dying' as one would say ...

ExcessivePlus Administrator

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Disruption In E+ Community

oops, Dee has already said in Earlier post ... there you go, read his top Message...

I didn't mean to spark/fuel questions in anyway, I wasn't sure. k.

Bottomline: DeeX is a Mr. and he will try and help us all out, he is attempting to rebuild the Community and bring more people in, ok.

ExcessivePlus Administrator

Disruption In E+ Community

GeeZ Term again I am not the savior , the one , Neo LOL, my purpose of the post wasnt to annonce that implying that heading Mr is going to fix anything. I am going to help and do what I can but thats all I can.
Its all good though , Anyways to all, KiCK SoME aSS!!!!

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Joined: Feb 2004
Disruption In E+ Community

That is my point Happy Tks for helping out Cool

ExcessivePlus Administrator