Deva vs |<[]

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Joined: Jan 2004
Deva vs |<[]

im realy dont know what is going in yors head sound like we watching at it from deferent sides, i do not see eny unfiar part to give points all clans that was played in league and won some games, but i see some unfair stuf rewarding only 3 top ones clans and say to the others hey get lost u dont cont here, if they will not see eny carot they will not post eny screns here

and about screns u dont need eny screns u can make rank just counting points in rank system, in table after league u will have all scores on the table, that be wery simply to count in then

watch how pleny cw's games was played on for now, calns dont seying eny reward and that can be, like i wrote abvoue, rank on first page e+ comunity, but to start that "madnes" u must give some not top ones clans a chance to grab a fiew point on the begining, and that is good ocasion in mie eyes to use that lots of games that was played in league

DARKLORD's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
Deva vs |<[]

yes counting the wins is easy, but ranking man of the match isnt, if i ranked the clans and didnt get moaning from the top scores i would do it quite easily


Joined: Jan 2004
Deva vs |<[]

yup that be one problem with ranking man of the match, but im think its shame to waiste lots of games cose of that

Faith's picture
Joined: Dec 2004
Deva vs |<[]

@dark this is a 5v5 league game // not friendly match.. so is it counted to ranking? AFAIR. i pm'ed u, and u didnt reply :} so should we report 5v5 league games? i got screenshots ;]

Joined: Jan 2004
Deva vs |<[]

is not eny need to put screns here, that can be made after league ends from main table, if it will at all

Faith's picture
Joined: Dec 2004
Deva vs |<[]

oke oke :}

but still with out screens dark is not able to make "man of the match" rank :>>>

DARKLORD's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
Deva vs |<[]

ok i decided i wont rank man of the match, just team points, as this is accurate and fair, if clans cant post screens its unfair they're players wont be ranked and the clans that do post do.

so i wil start soon when the leauge table is up to date.
