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spraw's picture
Joined: Feb 2010

The next line of CPM duel cups has just been conceived by MX Memphis! We'd like to invite all interested parties to our new line of tournaments, the CPM FIGHTCLUB series, starting with our duel opener scheduled on the Sunday 9th September 2012. Coverage will be provided by NoProblemTV (basically the rebranded PNS-TV) with exactly the same plan as the last one, with guest appearances by stars of CPM, post-match analysis by the big boys of CPM, and interviews with key players as the tournament progresses! With entik recently announcing a demo roll call for The Contenders 3, this could be a perfect time to create some egd demos and send them in! Sign up now!

[Cup Information]
Date and time: 9th September, 15:30 CET
Cup Website: http://cpmfightclub1.tourney.cc
Check-in: 9th September, 14:30 CET in #cpmduel channel
System: double elimination, best of three with the superfinal being bo5
Map pool: [map=cpm3a Q3], [map=cpm15 Q3], [map=cpm22 Q3], [map=cpm24 Q3], [map=pronodm9 Q3], [map=nodm19] ([map=ztn3tourney1 Q3] adjusted for CPM movement and playstyle), [map=pukka3tourney2 Q3]
Admins: MX Memphis

Streams: UK NoProblemTV, RU 102
Promo Video: Vimeo
Links: Original Announcement ThreadSign Up, How to install CPMA, Q3 PRO Installer, CPMA wiki, Q3A map archive // [avatar=mirc] #cpmduel

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007

Grrrrrreat, signed in Happy
Too bad I don't stand a chance, but I still wanna be part of it.

spraw's picture
Joined: Feb 2010

There will be a newbies cup next tuesday, maybe you should concider joining there instead on this cup?

Scheduled: 17:30 BST, 11 September 2012 to 21:30 BST, 11 September 2012

neverGreen from #cpmduel channel is hosting another challenge promode #cpmduel NEWBIES cup. This cup is intended for people inexperienced with cpm, people who are curious to try it and people who are in cpm for a short period of time. This cup is not intended for Warsow or Quake3/QL/QW veterans who are new to CPM! It's aimed towards european players so matches will be played on euro servers. Registration will be opened 30 minutes in advance of the tournament (11 September, 18:00 CET). If you want to play make sure you're on IRC in #cpmduel channel on QuakeNet.

Main informations

Date and time: 18:30 CET, 11 September 2012Signups&checkin: starts at 18:00 cet in #cpmduel channelRules: Challenge Promode 1.48, Double elimination, one map per round, maps are decided by coin-toss (callvote random 2 -> winner picks a map).Maplist: pukka3tourney2, cpm3a, cpm22Adminning is done by neverGreen

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006

Nice terror, it always looks cool when players from e+ try other games/mods. I hope you enjoy today's event, and also I would advise you check out the CPM Newbies Cup that is 2 days later. There, experienced duellers are not allowed to sign up, and as a result it's a much more welcoming atmosphere to newcomers who want to try CPMA on their level.

The original thread/announcement is here, and the main stream will be @ www.twitch.tv/NoProblemTV

We'll have guest friends (won't give any names away, but think big and think Sweden, Bulgaria, Spain, Estonia and Finrand) jumping in to say hi, we'll have post-match interviews and the stream itself will have beta key giveaways for a brand new FPS under a closed beta $.

Oh and check in is at 14:30 UK Time, you need to check in on the website you registered on, otherwise the cup will automatically drop you if you haven't checked in. And to sort out matches and stuff, go to #cpmduel on QuakeNET, since that's where players will congregate and matches will be arranged


nonsense repellent declamatory

Xelair's picture
Joined: Oct 2007
.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

Nice terror, it always looks cool when players from e+ try other games/mods. I hope you enjoy today's event, and also I would advise you check out the CPM Newbies Cup that is 2 days later. There, experienced duellers are not allowed to sign up, and as a result it's a much more welcoming atmosphere to newcomers who want to try CPMA on their level.

There wouldn't happen to be a North American equivalent to the CPM Newbies Cup? That sounds right up my alley, but I'd rather not play with a higher ping.

Dangerously cheesy.

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006

There isn't much of a duel scene in America, and mostly the American guys play on European servers (however it's mostly the O.G.s of CPM like apheleon/gellehsak and for them having a ping of 100-150 isn't a prevention for kicking ass) however the US cpm community does play pickups (mostly CTF, some TDM and NTF too) in #uscpmpickup on Quakenet

Additionally, you can !add low in #cpmduel for someone else to play, and I recall we had a conversation about your CA ideas... there is a server called okidoki for CA (it's European but always full in peak hours - kind of like an equivalent of beer freezer) @ (you can always go !q3 okidoki in #cpmpickup )

Oh and you could get a sparring partner here in e+. SPraw for example plays cpm fairly well, terror wants to get in (you could even arrange some sort of 50% East Coast, 50% UK server deal with each other)


nonsense repellent declamatory

Clan/TS Moderator
Joined: Aug 2009
PL Poland

I was about to sign up myself, glad I didn't cuz I don't really have much time today's afternoon so I couldn't participate. Anyway, I'm sure I will participate in Fightclub #2 or #3, just need to remember CPMA movement and create new config.

Nice to see that you are creating some events for people, respect for that Winking

"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."
- Mark Twain

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007

"Registration will be opened 30 minutes in advance of the tournament (11 September, 18:00 CET)"

I'm working till 18:00 CET :E
I might be 15 minutes late for that newbies cup.