[Closed] about xp_enemyColors

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D e c e m b e r
brb24hours's picture
Joined: Aug 2008

Would be great if xp_enemyColors behaviour will not depend of EF_DEAD flag to let using this flag for cheat blocking without affecting to colors.

Developer (retired)
rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
[Suggestion] about xp_enemyColors

That only happens when one of the bits of the client cvar xp_corpse is set. If not it behaves normally.

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D e c e m b e r
brb24hours's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
[Suggestion] about xp_enemyColors

That's right, but bits are set by default. If the health status is always less or equal zero when dead, then it could be used instead of 'dead' flag.

Developer (retired)
rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
[Suggestion] about xp_enemyColors

But why would you like to use exactly that flag? There are several other EF_* flags that are not used for players, and even if i use a different way for xp_enemycolors, the EF_DEAD flag is used in several other places and it could cause problems.

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
[Suggestion] about xp_enemyColors

because of busting autoshoot cheaters since they would shoot the dead bodys? Winking

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Developer (retired)
rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
[Suggestion] about xp_enemyColors
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

because of busting autoshoot cheaters since they would shoot the dead bodys? Winking

Havent thought about it, tho i actually think its the other way around: she wants to turn this flag on always so cheat programs think enemies are dead all the time, effectively blocking some autoshoot/aimbot cheats.

Unfortunately, the health information is not transmitted to other players, so right now there is no other way to know if a player is dead or not. The only way is to use another of the unused EF_* flags, but i dislike the idea of having to insert cheat blocking stuff right into the game logic (also a custom cheat could easily bypass this restriction by using the right EF_* flag).

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
[Suggestion] about xp_enemyColors

well beast, u could flip those ef_* every map prolly? Happy in either way just to confuse the aimbot :]

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
[Suggestion] about xp_enemyColors

Anyway, i already suggested to easy in 2004 to implement some anticheat into the mod itself. To be honest i dont remember what i did even suggest, but what i suggested seems to have been to complex and the mod wouldnt have been a serverside mod anymore. Anyway, if something like this could be implementet (even if i dont really understand what u guys are talking about), would say we would have something against many cheats, coders would need to start to make new cheats and since this mod is very small i doubt many coders would make this effort.

And, like skullhead said, if this "flags" would be caclulated somehow by chance, it would be really hard to code a new cheat for it (isnt it?)

D e c e m b e r
brb24hours's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
[Suggestion] about xp_enemyColors

I use ent->s.solid = 0 and ent->s.eFlags |= EF_DEAD on my server. The former prevents autoshooting (hit test failed whith a zero size hitbox) and the latter prevents automatic targeting (aimbot won't aiming on dead bodies).

Client side effects are no names above players, including names drawn by xp_drawNames (thanks to solid = Innocent, and no 'foe markers' above team-mates (thanks to EF_DEAD). It is not a big problem if those adjustments are done selectively for opposite team and against suspected players only.

No server side effects occur because it is done at the frame transmitting phase. So inside the game those parameters are always correct. With certain success the game could do those adjustments after rendering the frame and restore it back before running the frame or before first client think in the current frame (it will affect to everyone by this way).

Yes it's clear, that cheating can go another way and avoid these traps, but I see that every automated cheater is failed, who comes rather not to win but annoy the other players. The only problem I have is that 1.04 players complain to gray color if they use xp_enemyColors, and it does not allow to check those players for cheats stealthy.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
[Suggestion] about xp_enemyColors

Beast, how about you would contact easy (i guess u r sometimes in touch with him), and suggest to add panda as 3rd dev.

- Faster releases
- No custom-modified e+ versions anymore
- more happy community

Panda has already proven, that she is not bad in coding, and i guess she is also pretty active.

D e c e m b e r
brb24hours's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
[Suggestion] about xp_enemyColors
mow Q [EN] wrote:

... suggest to add panda as 3rd dev

I resign. I am sure the current team does its work well, and also I can not handle such a big project.