Clan Hoppers

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Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Clan Hoppers

Sorry Knightness, but i just can't agree with that. While i understand, respect, and in certan situations would even encourage the need of changing clan from time to time, i don't think it's fair to your clanmates and clanleaders, if you shift clans so quickly that people oftenly don't even know what colors are you representing now. And age is no excuse here, it's about what you have inside your head, not how much hair is on your chest. Of course, there is no possible way (and even if there was, i would loudly manifest against it) of forcing someone to stay in a clan. And i think some people would do well if they'd think thrice before joining a clan in the first place. Will you feel good in it? Maybe there are some people that you like/respect in it? In what ways will you benefit while playing under that clan's tag? Does it has good organisation? Are there players who fit in your skills range inside? I think those are the questions everyone should ask himself before thinking of representing a particular clan. If they'd do that, maybe the term clan-hopper would be put out of business...

In short - i am all for freedom, but what Fireman is doing, is NOT cool in my eyes.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Clan Hoppers

awww, cmon, be sweet. for sure, it is just not a game, but are there not some stuff you should care more? mad?

remember the time when u was 12. personally, i cant remeber really my way of thinking when i was 12, but i have to care much about my cousin who is 11, and i think i can imagine the thinking of lil kids.

some kids are more adult, some kids less. but anyway, they are kids, and i think we should understand them.

and changing clans is not cheating or something. like i already said, there can be various reaons, which dont have to care us AND it is jsut a game.

sry for beeing paradox.

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Clan Hoppers

Mhh. Well, i really comes down to what kind of person you really are, i think, in what ways your thinking and perspective of the game goes. Sure it's just a game, but the people playing it aren't lifeless bots, hollow entities that are rail-fodder. They are real, and they can feel disappointment when a guy comes to a clan they care for, they do everything to support it, and then the dude suddenly leaves. And not just leaves, but joins another clan soon after that. And then another. And another. And another. etc

Sorry, but neither i won't try to understand that kind of behaviour, nor will i accept it. If Fireman tried to join DA, i would do everything in my power to not allow him to do so.

Also, on a side note. I think that people start to get a very good grasp on understanding things when they enter their early teenage years, i know i did, at least. I understood that my words and actions can have profound influence on how will people react to my person. If Fireman dosen't understand that, maybe he should start to.

Maybe i'm a little rough here, but that's just they way i am.

warnerman's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
Clan Hoppers

Wow, i really like the way that this topic is beeing taked for all, so i cant resist to participate here.

Well i can see good points for evrywhere here.

Is true, is sad when u have spended time and trust to members to make him better, and when u see he left ut clan to go another i can understand the sad situation.

Well, as mow said, there are diferents reason what any player have to make his own decitions, and well, maybe some are good some are bad decitions, but we have ower right to take decitions.

Yes i think in some cases many of kids make fast decitions, but well, they are kids and we must know that if we recluit kids we can have this kind of situations. Personally i think is good to have kids in a team, i like those kids that come mmm a little noobs and i can give him some tips and tricks, just for fun, and i ever now that maybe in one moment they will want to join another clan. is ok for me.

but well the rest of cases well, i think most of the ppl is looking for somnthing in a personal way, and well we cant do nothing about that.

for example, when i was in bro i decided to left, i really like this team
but i have some reasons (personal reasons) to left. but when i joined my intentions was to be there and to no change, i have another offers but i really wont. But in some cases is better to left.

In all of this i think the best is to any clan make his rules or politics to
reduce this kind of cases.

For example maybe is a good option to make a special TAG for some new members, so both, clan and player knows that he is in a test period, when clan and player are playing togheter, trining togheter, but if in some time, depends to any clan, the player dont found what he is looking he can left the clan or he take the decition to really be a member, maybe this can take months, etc. u can be a test member for 3 months for example and then u can decide if u stay or not, or inclusive clan can decide to make him a complete member and give to him the final TAG.

Well there are diferent ways to reduce but never to eliminate this cases.


Another one

We has been felling ourself like a drop of water out of the ocean, smalls, weak, etc.
What if we introduce the drop into the ocean?
From that perspective the drop do not feel itself anymore small or weak ... Can u feel what it means?

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Clan Hoppers

if a clan takes a person which leaves the clan after few weaks again, the clan made a mistake also. havent prooved the member. because of that, i made the 30 days trial periode in 2!S (black/white-tag). clan can check new guy and guy can check clan). (and sometimes hard decissions are to be made, like what i have to do in near future).

behind each mouse there are humans. but it is hard to judge them without knowing them like in reallife. it is easy to say "u r a person without character" or something. but u never know what are the real reasons.

so, such a thread like this, is just a big pain in the azz, because it influence people who are thinking for example "wow, hk, what a cool clan", without thinking by themself many people just accept an oppinion. this is something like mass-media-influence (mad, u are influenced, i am influenced, even a punk is influenced).

so anyway, the point is, clanhoppers shouldnt be a public "topic". it is a thing of clan and member and dont have to care public interest. maybe one time the hopper will find a clan, which suits him, and him the clan. if a clan suits a person, the person dont will leave the clan, and opposited also. so, the hopping isnt a bad case(a) in that way. if a persons thinks ohhh, i cant leave a clan, because he/she knows secrets or something is really bad, the person feels unhappy!

a other case is, if a persons joins a clan, to c the train-methods or the knowledge of a clan, than leave asap (maybe back to old clan) and tell others.

this thread is maybe the uselest thread i ever saw (excepting some more strange threads)

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Clan Hoppers

Yeap. One last thing i want to say here - i'm not judging the man. I'm judging his actions. Like you said, and i agree with that 100%, you never know WHAT kind of person is on the other side, unless you know them privately. I mean, how can any of us know what kind of people in rl are Holy, Xerxes, Xeno, Chronic etc. They are known as bad persons here, in the community. But maybe in real life they are completely different? Maybe they don't make trouble, have many friends and generally are cool? Most (none?) of us will never know...

And Fireman... i don't like what he's doing, but he's a funny and cheerful guy. But i'm afraid the tag of a "free spirit" will hang above him for some time to come, still. Well, i wish him to find a place he will fit in.

warnerman's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
Clan Hoppers
mow Q [EN] wrote:

if a clan takes a person which leaves the clan after few weaks again, the clan made a mistake also. havent prooved the member. because of that, i made the 30 days trial periode in 2!S (black/white-tag). clan can check new guy and guy can check clan). (and sometimes hard decissions are to be made, like what i have to do in near future).

Exactly this is what i mean in my past msg, i think this really can help to both sides, players and clans, making as result more stronger clans.
And well any clan can make many diferents things to get ppl that stay for a loong time.

mow Q [EN] wrote:

this thread is maybe the uselest thread i ever saw (excepting some more strange threads)

Well mow, i dont think this thread is useles, if this is important to one ppl then is important to talk about this. and for example now u was sharing some good things that u make in ur clan, this can be helpfull for many other clan leaders, and this make it useful Big grin


We has been felling ourself like a drop of water out of the ocean, smalls, weak, etc.
What if we introduce the drop into the ocean?
From that perspective the drop do not feel itself anymore small or weak ... Can u feel what it means?

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Clan Hoppers

comparing a clanhopper with the case of holly is a bit beside the line (a clanhopper dont crash servers, don't cheat, dont are a reason of a new version of a mod)

but i c, u got the point of all, so i am satisfied now.

i think this thread is useless, because personall matters dont have to care 1.000 peoples. that is all.

bazine's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
Clan Hoppers

the more you are on the net ,on servers , or on forums (inside the community) , the more you take acts ,problems here as if they was real: crashing servers , is seeing here just like crashing world trade center , causing a new version of a mod : is seeing just like the whole US new security system , using a hack is seeing just like cheating on his wife.

the fact is , that we are all sitting on chairs behind screens , not moving.

there are net communities, around real stuff like saving lifes of people , or
gambling real money. but us , we are constantly shifting btw thinking this game is just a game or it is more than a game.

on my part , i decided , this : have fun here.try not to throw bullshit at people i dont really know.(unless i get mad , cause sometimes i go on the other side and think it is real , it happens for everyone of us).

like in real life , there are cheats , cheaters,wonderfull people, things hidden,(who never lied in real life?),things said , things many times in my life i thought this person is supercool , and some events proove them assholes , and how many times i thoght this guys is an asshole and he proved not to be.

so i ll be very cautious in judging pple.even if i kick or ban xeno,from HK 1v1.i can see the good side in him.

is there real emotions , here? yes .but this media can make people see things wrong, just as a word not in right place can ruin a friendship, u dont see body messages ,smiles , expressions etc...

u cant have real moral contracts here.

i am not trying to give lessons, , just trying to say how i see things. i dont see them black or white. there are many ways of grey btw.

@Mow :u can say this is useless....everyplayer can do what he wants.yes....i want to see you the day when one of ur best friends in clan choose to leave u for a more ranked clan, or cause his girlfriend is there.

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
Clan Hoppers

it hapenes.

i think its better to loose the player, and be angry on the inside, than be angry on the outside and try to keep him.

even if he stays out of guilt, or embaresment, he will never play the same.

to play good, you have to care about the game. in case of clan wars, you have to care about your clan.

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!