Cheater Report Discussion

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spraw's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

I bet i cheat too! Ask Style! Laughing No cheat with Davidson imo.

Joined: Jan 2011
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
*ZMB*STYL3* wrote:

i dont see any cheat about davidsond!!

Because he don't have it, delight go make your frag movies and don't disgrace yourself more.

Rayden was here
georgekotz's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
JUMPS'FPS! wrote:

POPE * R5QT wrote:

[03.27.2012 20:06:21] VIOLATION (VIDEO DRIVER HACK) #90003: Bu^0C^7an3r (slot #12) Violation (VIDEO DRIVER HACK) #90003 [77e819cdaab3b06ab29a2dc2b269a3b4(-)]

Btw, I would like to hear an explantation of it by himself or his clanleader, because it may be a banable case too.

What happened with this guy? He contact with you? His Leader? Or /ignore?

Real life is more important then Virtual life
Dont forget that

Joined: Aug 2010
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

I know buca hes an old noghost player, for sure there's no hax Happy

TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

About few answers I read on the Davidson case :

Please check the demo instead of watching only the video. This is not only about suspecting cheats, like for autokicks or pb bans we see on this topic most of time.

Shooting through a wall (and not only the one I highlighted), because for knowing there is an enemy beside it and whereas all the way you walked, you couldn't be able to see him...

- "Ooooooh please! I know him, he doesn't cheat! Mainly because he is one of my BEST FRIENDS OF E+ COMMUNITY!"

Though he even admitted online that he was cheating, without no kind of any irony, and threatened me to report me for insults to prevent me to post this, even if I never insulted him. I don't care about the player, I care about the facts.

What is the interest for me? Even with this hack I can beat him! I don't even know who real jordanian player he is behind this fake nick (no blame about this due to the increasing mood of fake nicks). I just watched him for about 2 hours, and it was pretty funny. I wouldn't have post something not enough adequate, you know.

Just did it to inform, as a player have to report all cheaters he has seen online, and just for having some fun.

Well, brainless argumentation. If you don't care, nevermind, there is nothing serious.

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

now honestly guys, davidson does more suspicious shoots then me and when I was accused of cheating you guys didn't do a shit. Funny.

Anyways, I checked the most interesting part in the demo and found this:

Means he theoretically seen the guy, however you only shoot somewhere if you think you have the enemy in your crosshair, which means he really DID shoot the wall on the purpose of hitting him. Considering that the informations delight provided is enough to enforce a pbcheck or to distrust him.

I didn't want to investigate this1 (roxor is more interesting but im to lazy for that too, also I already said he is cheating, so who cares), but seeing so much incompetent non argumenting answers is just watching ants trying to climb a hill.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

I forgot to mention it but moreover, he added he was already banned on Beer Freezer Server and don't care about it, because maybe he already changed is GUID.

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
Rayden was here wrote:

JUMPS'FPS! wrote:
POPE * R5QT wrote:

[03.27.2012 20:06:21] VIOLATION (VIDEO DRIVER HACK) #90003: Bu^0C^7an3r (slot #12) Violation (VIDEO DRIVER HACK) #90003 [77e819cdaab3b06ab29a2dc2b269a3b4(-)]

Btw, I would like to hear an explantation of it by himself or his clanleader, because it may be a banable case too.

What happened with this guy? He contact with you? His Leader? Or /ignore?

No, so when Fate comes back, we will decide what to do with VIDEO HACK busts. Non-obvious ban/warn decisions we must take together to avoid possible mistakes.

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

Paul, he is Lakerman from good old German Rail CTF. HE is one of the worst dumbasses and huge flamer and insulter, but I think he doesn't cheat. If pure or pb or e+ anticheat system didn't caught him, you guys can't do nothing else... Winking

american's picture
Joined: Jun 2010
PT Portugal
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

Well well again my name (however i change it) still re-appear in a thread > where no one likes to see his or hers .

Seems i have alot of time to spend here this time , lets start with the beginner :

D3L1GH7 wrote:

About few answers I read on the Davidson case :

- "Ooooooh please! I know him, he doesn't cheat! Mainly because he is one of my BEST FRIENDS OF E+ COMMUNITY!"

he even admitted online that he was cheating, without no kind of any
irony, and threatened me to report me for insults to prevent me to post
this, even if I never insulted him. I don't care about the player, I
care about the facts.

I forgot to mention it but moreover, he added he was already banned on Beer Freezer Server and don't care about it

1. isnt it a natural reaction of u (by the first look) if u found ur best friend accused for cheating?

2. the main reason i couldn't resist silence ((ur lies!!!))

would u/anyone please bring server logs to see where i spoke so ? this means to me more than the cheat case actually.
3. the video u posted doesnt make sense , tbh except the part where skull commented on , talk about it later

alienM wrote:
Paul, he is Lakerman from good old German Rail CTF. HE
is one of the worst dumbasses and huge flamer and insulter, but I think
he doesn't cheat. If pure or pb or e+ anticheat system didn't caught
him, you guys can't do nothing else... Winking

i did insult u true but ,
1. do u really remember the last time i did so ? or didnt u insult me few hours ago @ full beerfreeze inculding zydek etc ?
2. were u ever positive (non-negative) once in ur life ? no offense mina but look at u

rUnThEoN?! wrote:

now honestly guys, davidson ...... but seeing so much incompetent non argumenting
answers is just watching ants trying to climb a hill.

well , the secondary reason i came here .
excuse my logic speech since i remember u told me once (suck@logic) :

consider we brought a 6 years old kid here , and told him about spawn points distribution system where enemy spawns after a score , and next round begins while u look around theres no enemy , does his brain finds out that the enemy might be spawning at the other side of the map or not ? im sure u answer a yes , so where is the point ?

lets take the other side of ur pov that says (why i shot at the wall instead of the floor of the door) , well here is the answer :
if u repeat u notice i was moving left to hide and the chance i missed the right place due to the hurry of hiding + exhaustion of 2 or 3 days no sleep , because if i stay 0.0001 millisecond at enemy sight im dead !

REASON: millions of times enemy spawns u shoot eachother , whatever guns used , result > u get spawn kill and simply he gets score , every match every round i experience this many times , maybe its ping time difference causing this , if you never experienced this issue , u can ask high pingers , should i keep whining about it everytime it happens? maybe i need to bind that whine then

offtopic @ skull too : if you know i never used a cheat and want something else from me , save ur time here and PM me since im always ready to solve any kind of probs no matter what , u've never been to Jordan to believe it , but go ahead

one last thing my friend , i have alot to tell u , but here by ur post , u cant provoke ppl using their wisdom intuition and conscience judging something by ants climbing hills , i'm aware of science + calculations + logic , and imo humans ((brain*heart)power) has less false value than calculations .

considering u want examples :
1- brains found calculations
2- if you go back a little , (double tap) im sure u remember who cught him first , well i knew he cheats by my intuition , neither i used pb-tools nor i knew who he is , im not retard to report someone blindly
3- i hope u one day will experience playing with red ping to see the alternation of the gameplay and the unexplainable sensitivity to issues that has nothing to affect in it logically while numbers and all indications are stable (rate , packets , fps etc)
regardless wires type/quality , difference in temperature etc
u will realize a huge difference between 14/14 server than 4/14 server like if u are loading the extra players on your back
4- i have an unlimited examples and here is the last one in case u didnt get my pov in those : lets consider an amazing automobile prepared for flip test with all calculations , from iron body support to driver seat-belt to a helmet and a limited speed on flipping .
now , the driver begins the test depending on logic + maths and flipped the car and ended up by a piece of diamond penetrates his iron car + metal helmet to his flesh skin head by his skull , then we simply delete all calc we used after his death and wish him that if logic was on his side

the point is let ppl judge the way they see suitable , i dont think mr-camel is a fan of me to say what he have said