[Bug] bfgjump sound

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Trollet's picture
Joined: Apr 2006

When a player makes a bfgjump it gives off a "swoooosch" sound during the flight. You can hear this sound and track/calculate where he/she will endup to make the shoot.

But sometimes it doesnt play and there is silence, all u see is a glimpsy green pixel.

First we thought the bfg was to fast for the sound to playback, but cfg doesnt matter nor does e+ version: Its present in 1.03 aswell.

Seems it depends on distance, if you sit at corner in LG at overkill you hear nothing when people bfgjump in from GL. If you take a step forward you start to hear the swoosch.

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Alla blå bär är blå bär - även blåbär - men det är bara blåbär som är blåbär.
A cloud pooped out a rainbow turd.

epykoi's picture
Joined: Jun 2007
bfgjump sound

Surprise Maybe the stereo eis broken ?!
Nah kidding, I've already met this problems quite often. Haven't tried to change some values for the stereo etc.. maybe it will change something ?
Anyway I've noticed something in the same way : when you're at the corner and the enemy is in the room on your right you hear him if you're looking to the lookin if not you don't hear him anymore (even if you should be hearing him in the left..), also it makes the same difference with one step forward or backward. It changes a lot.