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Perk's picture
Joined: Mar 2008

perk guck dir wgvd an was ist den mit euch nix garnix was habt ihr dafür getan ... bis jetzt nix...nee ein bisschen ihr habt teilgenommen seit dann inactive gewurden super sache dat ...


du weisst hgarnicht wie das war also fresse halten wenn man keine ahnung hat

falsch... wenn man keine ahnung hat fragt man nach und hält nicht die fresse...

pffffff hauptsache kluge sprüche machen und nicht wissen wie schwer alles war seit 2.0 oder der ersten beta .

wenn du frustriert bist kann ich das verstehen, aber ich habe keinen post von dir gesehen in dem du versucht hast die verantwortlichkeit abzugeben/ nen anderen organisator zu finden, statt dessen hast du ein machtwort gesprochen und entschieden, dass das spiel gilt.. (was prinzipiell dein gutes recht ist)

solange keeper aber behauptet (und du nicht widersprichst), dass er während des spiels mit dir über das rematch sprach und du es damals nicht abgelehnt hast, wäre dieser entscheidungswandel allerdings unfair...

wenn du zeitprobleme hast kann ich das auch verstehen.. rl geht nunmal vor.. aber dann kannst du das doch auch sagen und nach hilfe fragen statt genervt leute vor den kopf zu stoßen

bin einfach demotiviert wenn einer was sagt der selber nix für tut...

überleg mal bitte kurz in wiefern es möglich ist, dass alle an diesem cup beteiligten spieler gleich viel für die organisation tun konnten... ich hab versucht bei der matchorganisation von wgvd zu helfen und ergebnisse zu posten.. also den verpflichtungen der teilnehmenden clans nachzukommen.. was hätte ich deiner meinung nach machen müssen, um mir ein recht zu verdienen dich danach zu fragen, ob und was du mit keeper im spiel tvl vs extreme besprochen hast?

for the record:

my translation wrote:

look at wgvd.. what about you? nothing is with you, you have done nothing for it (probably the cup), up to now you have done nothing.. well.. you participated a bit, but then went inactive.. great job!


my translation wrote:

you dont know what happend, and if you have no idea just shut up

wrong.. if one has no idea one asks about it and doesnt shut up

my translation wrote:

pfffff you are just working your mouth, not knowing how hard it was since 2.0 or the first beta

i can understand if you are frustrated, but i saw no post from you where you tried to give away the responsibility or find an other organizer, instead you spoke out and decided that the game counts (as it is your right)

but as long keeper says (and you dont object), that you chatted with him during the match about a rematch and you didnt deny it in the first place, this changes in decicion afterwards would be unfair

i can understand if you have trouble with your timeschedule.. rl comes first.. but you could have told that in the firstplace and asked for help instead of getting all stressed and affront the people

my translation wrote:

i just lost my motivation when someone speaks out who doesnt help with the cup

please just think about if it is possible that all participating players could have done equally much for the cup organisation... i tried to get matches of wgvd organised and played + posting the results.. just what the responsibilities of a participant are.. what else could i have done in your oppinion to claim the right to ask you about what you talked to keeper in the match tvl vs extreme?

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008

vergiss es .... ich habe das entschieden was ich bei dem besagten war schon gesagt habe ....jeder hatte die gleiche scheisse und ich wertete das so ... und is mir egal was der lügner ist nicht wahr...

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Shaadow's picture
Joined: Jun 2009

Im not gonna start arguements, I think what you did was very good. It was a nice idea to try get e5r back running again. I also strongly believe if the cup was played on 1.03 without all the complication of the 2.0 change over then this cup would have been a bigger success. Little situation in this cup, actually more to the point stupid arguements is what lead this cup to not be as a success.

I dont think many clear cut rules was set in place, The cfg was never talked over between the clans participating. All clans entering as far as i knew it. believed that the cfg used would be a replica of the 1.03 e5r (which it was not)

Maybe a co-admin could have helped, maybe a more in depth look at the cfg used. BUT its all ifs, buts and maybes

As far as im concerned i have alot of respect for you to try and make a cup. I think you was very unlucky in how alot of it turned out

One weapon is enough.

Joined: Aug 2008
outofhere! wrote:

and shadow .. u understand nothing about it man ... from beginning u blame that e5r also shut up from distance please.,.-

yeah matt, shut up from a distance you fucking coon