BRO side "invasion"

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Immortal's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
BRO side "invasion"

omg dont u ever had a mate that became a cheater? I had.
dont trust ppl u dont know who is in that hundreds of players.

I say some ppl lies posting and playing cws that is true.
but the most important thing in that is not their behaviour
but yours all of you great players people moderators and other
faces of e+ community.

There always were the problem. its not u dont see it but you dont want to see this bcoz u see only couple of ppl in your clanmates and ppl form clans that playing here long time. You think that is correct u want to call me stupid bcoz iam saying what is from years?

Untill you will get it to your brains[i think you guys have something like that Laughing ] you will never be a community as you think you are.
Foksie defend his clan mow defend his clan maybe hq wll come protect his clan and maybe deky will come here to to say his clan is clean.

what about some exl. DiscoPoloRulez or other clan from lower board?
u dont think about them but no matter if u wnt or not those ppl are the part of e+ and you are those who give them rules and power of fun.

I know u dont get it but someday you will.

@ skull u dont even know what proofs u want to see. bcoz they arent possible to show.

S3c|¯3¯|¯ [EN] wrote:

the whole E+ mod is "dark" Winking and the fact that 80% of this community are using a illegal q3 version just proves that Winking

u arent better than me bcoz u have original stuff? dont u? Big grin

@edit>>foolsie: I didnt said that all bro players are cheaters and i didnt said that all drt are cheaters. right? so dont compare those 2 sentance to my post.

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
BRO side "invasion"
odin [EN] wrote:

atm i just see BRO ppl in this topic who start flaming and useless talking

it was started by immortal. bro side just hopped in to defend itself from blatant lies.

... we still try to speak about if e5 clan leader want pb + pure on... but it seems like thats not possible, cause ppl like soul, mowly and bla bla come here and talk about stuff what has nothing to do with them.... ppl u have a own part in this forum

you are free to do so, nobody is stoping you. gasol even started a new topic for voting only, feel free to contribute there.

[>.B.<]IMMORTAL wrote:

Untill you will get it to your brains[i think you guys have something liek that ] you will never be a community as you think you are.

ahahaahhahahahaha. poor missguided fool.

what about some exl. DiscoPoloRulez or other clan from lower board?

so you are accusing DPR of claiming to play with PB and PURE on when they instead dont? Wheres your proof?

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

odin [EN]
Joined: Aug 2005
BRO side "invasion"
x.foksie'loy.drt? wrote:

odin [EN] wrote:
atm i just see BRO ppl in this topic who start flaming and useless talking

it was started by immortal. bro side just hopped in to defend itself from blatant lies.

did i ever do that on a BRO discussion? i never came to ur forums and talked about that u are worser than e5 or some like that.... but you do that

and yes its started by immortal...but we are here to discus anything or not?
but we discuss about e5 and not about how many BRO clans played without pb + pure and who cheated or called someone cheater... u know what i mean?

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
BRO side "invasion"

i perfectly know what you mean odin, but if i would now go to bro ranking forum and started to say that all EN are cheaters or something, you would just stand by and observe me do it? or would you post against it?

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

odin [EN]
Joined: Aug 2005
BRO side "invasion"

i dont care about what others say.... u can go to bro forum and start ur topic... we are better than cheaters :roll: :oops: <--- i became red Crying

btw... i just read the e5 rank forum, nothing else Surprise

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
BRO side "invasion"

anyway i cleaned everything up, so dont feel disturbed anymore, and continue the good work Smug

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
BRO side "invasion"
[>.B.<]IMMORTAL wrote:

@ skull u dont even know what proofs u want to see. bcoz they arent possible to show.

y, cuz there are no proofs for that in my eyes.
so actually it looks like u said things they werent true, wanna say anything as defense?

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Joined: May 2005
BRO side "invasion"

mm don't want read all the topic.
does the topic changed name?

For answer on the question about pure and pb.

KoD is for pure and pb. about news clans rule like "ok for 1 or 2 wars without pb.." mm better help them no? last cw we tested pure and pb with somes rtk 1 or 2 hours before and the result : i never saw a cw started better like this one, we said 8pm, that started at 8 pm. no kick during cw... no problem, realy nice..

so pure and pb is not problems, just you can take times to help others for show them fast what is need, like pbupdate.exe and checking fast for pure.

and for cw, i think one nice rules is to all players who will play the cw, test the server at less 1 hour before!

Killer0074's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
BRO side "invasion"

e5 faggot is still alive with MAFIA players
guess who Laughing


foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
BRO side "invasion"

ezekiel check the Announcement topics. Winking

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!