Attention please! :p
***This is InsaneKid callin from the 22nd century!*** (:
i made it!
well, u may be surprised ...
but check this example-map (draft)...
i used to create some things i was talkin about in my last posts!
hm, i dont wanna tell too much ...
but its about a certain teamBASEd-thing ...they are always concernin about!
The map is called >>>
"Hustle and Bustle"
and is an example about what im goin to make next! (:
let me guess ur chasing the enemy flag carrier he runs into the beamer and bam hes gone easy cap
I don't get it, when I try to get the extras in the teleport room I get spawned before i can collect it? Needs a grenadejump for that?

Have a look at the map first ...its not big ...and thers no escape ...
further there are more than one player.-And i added the new attractive domination-point
where u will always find some players
tryin to get 1 point for free! (:Edit:
i havent said anythin about CTF!-
i didnt use CTF-spawns ...
i made team-specific spawns for TDM and FREEZE!
i assumed it was for ctf cos freeze/tdm would be senseless
...... so now a clan only has to camp half of the map in order to totally own ur ass
i had suggested this before and this is kind of nice thinking about it
Team-Based spawns
unfortunately for it to fully work it would have to be freeze or an alike spawn gametype (meaning no TDM) and all teams would have to be respawned on score.
Or at least a smarter spawn system which quake 3 does not have
theres a gametype similiar to this in q4 .
(DeadZone) is a completely new gametype in Quake 4, based on holding key areas of the map called "DeadZones" to gain points. In order to do this, players must pick up DeadZone powerups from around the map, and then take them into the areas marked with a transparent scrolling border. Like all powerups in the game, the DeadZone powerup wears out with time, so as a team players must continually bring powerups into the zones in order to hold them. If more than one player on a team brings in powerup, the hold on the zone is stronger, with points accumulating twice as fast. If a player from both team enters a zone with a powerup, the two cancel each other out. In short, DeadZone is a new mode that relies on good teamwork to succeed.
Hey, NO Replies yet?
Edy ...Easy ...have a close look at this map!!!
Kid´s Showcase