Alex K again

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Joined: Jan 2006
Alex K again

Arrow Alex you have serious brain damage. Get a life. Or better get a psychologist you need really good one. I saw you at least 10 times on servers with obvious aim bot with angle of 180 degrees Big grin So, disappear. Simply vanish. All of us will be very happy Happy
No any kind of regards to you :!:

Ok, tell me when. Becaus ei havent playued for 7 months + now. On internet. I just started about 2 weeks ago with nightmare xaeros. I downloaded my q3 from the internet, and following your instructions on another topic, i never saw an aimbot in my q3/e+ folder.

Edit: Also, i dont remember even once with playing with you with your official nick.

GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Alex K again

Arrow Alex you have serious brain damage. Get a life. Or better get a psychologist you need really good one. I saw you at least 10 times on servers with obvious aim bot with angle of 180 degrees Big grin So, disappear. Simply vanish. All of us will be very happy Happy
No any kind of regards to you :!:

Did you recognize him by his name? I thought it was obvious that he doesn't even play the game.

Joined: Jan 2006
Alex K again
tartaros wrote:

Arrow Alex you have serious brain damage. Get a life. Or better get a psychologist you need really good one. I saw you at least 10 times on servers with obvious aim bot with angle of 180 degrees Big grin So, disappear. Simply vanish. All of us will be very happy Happy
No any kind of regards to you :!:

Did you recognize him by his name? I thought it was obvious that he doesn't even play the game.

Anyway, Korgath, Firefox, Skull, and in general people in which i played about an year ago, i bet most of them can prove that i dont cheat.

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Alex K again

Arrow He is fake nicker and cheater. He often use LEM*ICE nickname.

- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Alex K again

Arrow He is fake nicker and cheater. He often use LEM*ICE nickname.

nope icecold is some1 else.
true is that alex while he was in lsf didnt cheatet/ i didnt recognized any cheatz.
anyways for his bitching annoying behaviour he will be banned for long long time on all e+ servers if a clan take him, they just can play on a server where he isnt banned cuz of behaviour, making it impossible in beeing a clan.

so why u have to discuss here?

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
Alex K again

all i can say is i busted him once on r0 1v1

i asked enha for logs today but he doesnt have them anymore Confused

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

Joined: Jan 2006
Alex K again

Arrow He is fake nicker and cheater. He often use LEM*ICE nickname.

no, rena, i was never Lem*Ice and never will be. I see no reason why you think i am ice. My only other nick is Runescape which i played in the beggining of my carrier in q3 e+.
All my other nicks which i changed ny time have the Alex.k with or without a minus.

Gladi-a-tor's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
Alex K again

Mabye he cheated mabye he didn't.., but:
He faked nicked, he threated people by saying that he is going to hack they're computers, he said he was part of the E+ team, he said he maked E+, etc. etc.

First I thaught it was only the ''+'', but when I found out the other points I was thinkin': Wtf, why should you do that any way Love struck
It has no use and I thaught these points are forbidden.
It apears to be no problem that he is still here @ the forums etc.
Here are some things he said on the forums wich are forbidden:

yep, soon you will be again intrested how i came back, just give me 2 days. but for now bann me.
He is just making people on his nerveus by saying this ^$%!...

dont put that topic, it gives me the creeps(honestly), if you want to bann me go ahead, mi ip changes all the time, i just got no problem to make another one (user) if you want the ip i will give it my self...
The same...

Saying to Tartaros at PM:
Subject: FU or not..
Post: il deal with you later.

My last 1

FIREFOX wrote:
Ok I know this is the wrong place but not sure where to put it.
This is for the attention of the E+ team. Has LSF Alex been appointed a member of the E+ team?
A concept Myself and others find quite ridiculous. I have just been on the BRO freeze server with BRO Tritoch, LSF Alex and others. Alex is bragging about his new position and threatening Tritoch that he will get Tritoch banned from BRO and he even went so far as to say he will order the E+ team to ban BRO clan ( I know this is ridiculous). I myself know that he can not do this so I find all of this quite funny.
Because I did not believe Alex he even said he would ban me Laughing
He is also bragging he has over 40 clans he manages Laughing
Please can you clear this amusing situation up please and let us know the score
Many thanks E+ team

But at last (I'm doing it also because I can't agree here) we are making from him AGAIN a super hero........................... Thinking

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Alex K again

he said he's sorry for that, for fuck's sake. i rowed thru the forums a while back looking for info about him, and couldnt find anything that would put him in a cheater context. And if a cheat paranoic like skull (^^) apparently thinks he's clean, i have no reason to believe otherwise, unless someone posts some very hard evidence.

Now. What is happening here, is people taking big shovels of shit, throwing it right on his head. I mean, Ice*Cold? WTF! That dude was from, like Netherlands or Germany, Alex is from Greece :roll:

And nooo, ban the clan that will take under it's wings someone who did some shit, true, but is now sorry for it, and, as far as i recall, hadn't done anything wrong in a LONG time, but let the clan who has a self-admitted cheater in their ranks go on without saying anything. That's totally fair.


Joined: Jan 2006
Alex K again
madbringer wrote:

he said he's sorry for that, for fuck's sake. i rowed thru the forums a while back looking for info about him, and couldnt find anything that would put him in a cheater context. And if a cheat paranoic like skull (^^) apparently thinks he's clean, i have no reason to believe otherwise, unless someone posts some very hard evidence.

Now. What is happening here, is people taking big shovels of shit, throwing it right on his head. I mean, Ice*Cold? WTF! That dude was from, like Netherlands or Germany, Alex is from Greece :roll:

And nooo, ban the clan that will take under it's wings someone who did some shit, true, but is now sorry for it, and, as far as i recall, hadn't done anything wrong in a LONG time, but let the clan who has a self-admitted cheater in their ranks go on without saying anything. That's totally fair.


im not directly from greece.. i was borned in the uk.