.add ?
27. May 2010 - 9:01
is there a site to download .add files ?
Greetz Xmas[NL]Holland
27. May 2010 - 14:24
Re: .add ?

is there a site to download .add files ?
Greetz Xmas[NL]Holland
No, but I'm currently making them all (.ents) for baseq3 maps.
I will release them when they are all completed.
7. June 2010 - 12:09
Re: .add ?
I have currently with ctf/rtf/oneflag compatibility and new added spawns :
- pro-q3dm6
- pro-q3tourney2
- q3dm0
- q3dm1
- q3dm2
- q3dm3
- q3dm4
- q3dm5
- q3dm6
- q3dm7
- q3dm8
- q3dm9
- q3dm10
- q3dm17
- q3tourney1
- q3tourney2
- q3tourney5
- q3tourney6
- q3tourney6_ctf
7. June 2010 - 16:35
Re: .add ?
think about target_locations too! (if u change items) (Y)
7. June 2010 - 18:01
Re: .add ?

think about target_locations too! (if u change items) (Y)
No item changed, only added spawns and ctf compatibility
13. June 2010 - 22:48
Re: .add ?
added :
- pro-q3tourney4
- q3dm15
- q3dm16
- q3dm18
- q3tourney3
- q3tourney4
Whem Are you going to post it?
And thanks for the comment