!<A 2:1 KTM/27.08.2006/RANKED

56 replies [Last post]
Warren G
FELiX's picture
Joined: Sep 2004
!<A 2:1 KTM/27.08.2006/RANKED

No no skull it was one person. Mr xed want make fron us idiots. In first post was vego is bother nex. But on second is vego = nex. So it was lie.

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
!<A 2:1 KTM/27.08.2006/RANKED

Why can't we get smart cheaters, like there are in Q2, or ET? Why our native E+ cheaters are complete idiots? T_T I think by now i lost any small pieces of respect i had for KA Thinking

xed's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
!<A 2:1 KTM/27.08.2006/RANKED

w kazdym klanie jest jakis byly chiter i nikogo to nieobchodzi tylko kurwa trzeba sie czepic klanu !<a wypierdalac kurwa bo juz mnie chuj szczela :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:kurwa wieczne pretensje do chuja wypierdalac :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

Narcyz's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
!<A 2:1 KTM/27.08.2006/RANKED

U nas nie ma Winking

: )

Warren G
FELiX's picture
Joined: Sep 2004
!<A 2:1 KTM/27.08.2006/RANKED

xed:w kazdym klanie jest jakis byly chiter i nikogo to nieobchodzi tylko kurwa trzeba sie czepic klanu !<a wypierdalac kurwa bo juz mnie chuj szczela :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:kurwa wieczne pretensje do chuja wypierdalac :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

No chlopcze pokaz kto NIBY jest w Killing Obsession cziterem. Tak jestes twardy? Tylko sie nie rozplacz ze sie ludzie uwzieli.

thc * nex
Kris's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
!<A 2:1 KTM/27.08.2006/RANKED

...Back from work....tired....and what i see?????

Aha, ok guys. Time for fully explanation.

Those, who dont want to read what Vego aka. Nex write here dont comment and keep away from me, but those who has heart and brain read carefully.

Year ago i started play on net. Month later i found E+ community first then MOD E+. I play q3 (VERSION from CAFE INTERNET copy from friends) and i decided to install E+ mod.
It was very good mod, those speed and friendly ppl, community too. Someday i just get kick from serv its write ogc and somethink else, dunno what that mean i started search another serv.
Sometimes i get kicked and sometimes i dont. But one day when i play on clan too (first clan i ever play exciting feeling) THC and when i connect on 2sweet i join some team and momentally get kicked for ogc.dll.
Then i see that im reported on Cheaters Reports, so i try defend myself as you all can see, BUT its no use. I found on google wtf this ogc do so i fully understood you guys. No mercy for cheaters.

...The old history END, new episode started...

First of all i decided to clean hdd to this shit copy and install fully new clean q3 copy + ONLY Excessive MOD.
Second i decided to change my nick, cuz i now that ppl will be very bad mention for me and nick Vego. At this moment (hmm half year, dunno) i play on lots of serv pb+pure on and off and dosnt have problem.
Now i get lots of friends here, and i have perfect relationship (my english not's perfect sorry) with them, hmm Xed,Jak,Camel,Pjax,Y@sh,Purg,Cigaro and lots of more that i omit.
I try to show you guys what i problem have in past and now you can see that i dotn have bad attitude for anyone. I sorry for all of this shit what i've done uselless post ect or something else, Xed one of my big
friend whant to protect me and i what to thank him a LOT for this. He's really good friend (he has also hard character Happy.
Also i whant to thank all of my friends here and ppl who i dont now and who think that im OK and cool guy.

I try my best to be good on arena.... REGARDS FOR ALL YOU GUYS, EVEN ON YOU RENATALIS....

If anyone want to discuss more with me i open for all words even for bad:
Do Flexa: nie badz taki twardy wyluzuj leciutko Happy

KickZ's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
!<A 2:1 KTM/27.08.2006/RANKED

In case admis care about what I think....give him a shot

just always play pure + pb in cw

regards ,

<drt_nihil> we about wolf and wolf is here

(@enha) damn you, people are dancing, instead of work
(@drt_foksie) she mutated

deky__cro's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
HR Croatia
!<A 2:1 KTM/27.08.2006/RANKED

Gg both :!:
Im happy that KA [THC my 1st clan =)] won, but
little sad coz kTm lost. :roll:

I won't comment that about what Vego did before some time..

Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
!<A 2:1 KTM/27.08.2006/RANKED

if u get the version from a coffee shop why didnt u checked ur q3 folder if there cheatz?
or u just didnt wanted? :twisted:

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

xed's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
!<A 2:1 KTM/27.08.2006/RANKED

flex za taka gadke juz bys po mordzie dostal odemnie i by ci sie troche lepiej pisalo namnie ja niemowie ze do chuja jest w kazdym tylko w niektorych :!: i nieoskarzam tak jak wy kogos :!: :!: bo mi to zwisa :!: