7 years....

80 replies [Last post]
telox's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
Re: 7 years....

It's always fun to remember the good old times when the sun shone brighter and the grass was greener. I look back at the starting years of my E+ carrier as at something holy, it used to be so much more fun than now. I used to learn new things every day, every hour.

Greetings to everyone who is still around and to everyone who still remembers this old game.

Just some names to mention: Warnerman, Sonic, Menjek, Plastrom, Menphis, Aliminium, Seth, Shazy (SWE), Xab, Mole, Anemic, Faith, Trance, Joreji, Antifa, Reno, Saint, Tyrant, Lady Sunshine, HQ, Hard, Goof, Bert, Sriam, Atwa, Zoomer, Iz, Stikkan, Su!, Kokain, Maniek, Mowly, Odin, Johnathan, Deadbow, Talix....

|ZOO| team - Connecting people.

Joined: Oct 2005
DE Germany
Re: 7 years....
[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

2005 represent, school computers had q3 installed.

Funny I felt as a total newbie back then, and did for some years after.

And before that there were mythical players like Aliensummoner or Ogre. I guess like Hard is a myth to players nowadays.

early 2005, BRO CTF, Mayhem Man, Model Uriel
so many useless facts stored in brain.

and hi eq Happy

angydee's picture
Joined: Oct 2006
Re: 7 years....

congrats old rugs ^^
old times > new times

och en liten, liten runk..

HK_Kenshiro's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
Re: 7 years....
snsktt wrote:

congrats old rugs ^^
old times > new times

For sure my connie!

You 're already dead!

telox's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
Re: 7 years....
plastrom wrote:

early 2005, BRO CTF, Mayhem Man, Model Uriel
so many useless facts stored in brain.

and hi eq Happy

Hey there, man! Nice to cu! Happy Mayhem Man ofc too, aka Mircwar, we spent a lot of time playing with him at the start of my quake carrier.

|ZOO| team - Connecting people.

Forum moderator
Zack's picture
Joined: Sep 2003
Re: 7 years....

bunch of old farts Laughing

Joined: Jan 2011
US United States
Re: 7 years....

blablabla ... old times are better... blablabla ... old times are always better....blablabla
and when present time becomes old times, in future , you will say it again: "old times were better". I don't understand how come that kind of attitude is helping people to grow and improve themselves, when everyone is always stuck in the past, which doesn't exist anymore, and never will again, ffs...
I have one message to all of you who are saying that old times were better: "go ahaid, play ,and live your lives in the old times. And grab me some Coca Cola from 70's i've heard that its taste was much better than it is now. Send me via fed-ex ( for time travelling shipments, you pay half the charge") Happy

Joinz's picture
Joined: Oct 2006
Re: 7 years....

in terms of e+, yes the old times were better.
generally i agree its a dangerous attitude and i won't ever use that sentence in a general way, but definetely for e+ Winking

MOJOJOJO's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: 7 years....

I started this mod in 2006. and more ppl played this game. FFA servers was never empty. Nowdays we have no FFA servers. Big respect for Asphyx bcuz he organize the fragfest:)

Joined: Oct 2008
Re: 7 years....

Late '07 for me, modless for a few months until a certain Wax told me to get my ass here. That's the biggest difference for me - the people back then were generally a hell of a lot more friendly and helped newbies integrate. Nowadays the majority don't give a toss when some new guy asks for help on server... /ignore cos ya'll too cool for school.

FFA servers were just plain awesome too. newgods @ Zmb/Def FFA = Thumbs up.
Also same goes for CTF. "FFF Cap Da Ballz" was so damn fun!

I kinda regret not finding this place earlier (Mirc's told me some great memories Big grin) but 7+ years playing the same game is pretty hardcore. Well done you guys!