®2013 HYPER 2-0 ALONES

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trb's picture
Joined: Jul 2010
HU Hungary
Re: 2013 HYPER 2-0 ALONES


silence is better than bullshit

//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\
Joined: Nov 2011
Re: 2013 HYPER 2-0 ALONES

GGs!! I enjoyed them and were kind of fun regardless of all, but I honestly couldn't turn myself into the mood and play it as a CW, instead, I kept treating it as some FW or a random game at some random server.. one of what made it fun was that I like to play versus skilled players Happy

That was all I had to say about it, unless I am sure people are expecting more from me to say, and because this one below Happy

mi3 * blackfx -C4-BLACKFX wrote:

I'm waiting for GMZ's tirade here.

I have nothing to say, but for fun, I will tell the story since it really is super funny:

I was kind of waking up from a sleep, I needed to drink coffee or tea, but I usually let time and usual day activities help with that because coffee and tea don't really help that much.. I was kind of free, going here and there, I turned on the PC and switched to the E+ site, mainly to see if the MU responded with hope they didn't respond for the CW to be the same night cause I wasn't in the mood really, also if they did and was the answer for the same night (Thursday's night) to start preparing for it,

I needed to speak to Rav about it too, I noticed that he was on TS in the same time not online, that was unusual, and shocking, I had to think that they probably arranged for the CW and were getting ready for it..
I joined him "whats up dude.... whats up.., how things going.... things are fine....."
Me: anything going on Rav?
Rav: FTAG vs Hyper tonight..

Everything did freeze up around me and time started to pass real slow, I had some hunch he was speaking about a CW in that situation because everything was unusual!! another thing which was shocking was that he didn't say TDML..

Honestly? it did sound to me at first like if he was saying "GMZ, rejoice buddy, I bought you a ticket with me, my treat (free for you) we are going to watch some Metallica party...."

But of course that wasn't it

Me again: CW?
Rav: yes!!
Me: probably you and civic and kolv..?
Rav: xD ..... silence
Rav: yes
Me: of course without me? !! ?
Rav: silence..
Me: o.0
Me: with some relieved breath, saying to myself "alright, good, I can make my coffee and relax and try to wake my self up.."
.... 2 minutes passed
Rav: GMZ, you can't play?
Me: o.O .... O.O whahh, me whah, say again?
Rav: it is in 10 minutes man..
Me: OO
Rav: I say what?! go to server.... here is IP.....
Kolv: GMZ, no English here xD (translation: GMZ, I don't speak English and I don't understand it too)
Me: no leaf clover ......... Lyrics, and it feels rock this TIEAAAAAMMMMM............ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vks1Ji5ED9U

I was using the 2002 desktop PC I have, which is kind of slow, with some powerful VGA card, but at it, is very normal to see frames drop to 60 or 20 at any time.... which also has no good pb set ups.... and is not prepared for (PB on) games, besides all the other types of lag and no shootings..

I needed at least 60 minutes to get prepared.... I had to turn on my laptop.... check connection and restart modem, make coffee.... relax a bit, wake up, and warm up...... etc

All I did was, restart modem, then joined the CW xD

I also, heated up some old coffee and drunk them after the CW xD

I never did smoke in my life, but for the way people speak about smoke and how they feel while smoking getting high, I guess I was feeling the same with this CW xD

That is why it was fun

I was thinking about simply not join the CW, but I couldn't leave my clan there against the hypers alone xD

I am too lazy and usually untidy and in need to do many things before I play a CW......

Was fun though, GG

THC * SAKE wrote:

respect alone for playing to end Happy

Happy thank you!

!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

stylish wrote:
Very close game. Mega skill alone. Bopoh for the win.

bleed,hazard,ultima xd
alones, u didnt rage quit and this alone deserves "gg"

I hope you been speaking seriously and not trying to make fun of us too, thank you anyways Happy

Have fun at E+ and never take it with hard feelings no matter how much you lose nor how much stupid or dump or punk or bad or blithering idiot the player you are playing with really is, it's just a game and we are here to have fun and enjoy our times!!

zarzyn's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: 2013 HYPER 2-0 ALONES

this line up of hyper should play against vegeta not alone
