Ubernet.co.uk OSP 1 CTF
Server Information
- Host
requires QConnect to be installed - Rank
- unrated
- Players
- 0+6 / 22
- Gametype
- Capture the Flag
- Timelimit
- 25 minutes
12:22 left - Capturelimit
- 10
8 left - Location
United Kingdom
- Orange Smoothie Productions
- This is not an Excessive Plus server!
Last update
Additional information
dmflags 0, gameversion OSP v1.03a, Score_Blue 2, Score_Red 2, server_freezetag 0, server_ospauth 0, server_promode 0, sv_allowDownload 1, sv_floodProtect 1, sv_maxPing 0, sv_minPing 0, sv_privateClients 4, version ioq3 1.36 linux-x86_64 Apr 12 2009