*WK* - end of journey...
Start: 12.2006 R.I.P: 11.2008
-no active leaders
-no active players
-scene E+ is almost dead... (my opinion...Don't comment)
Thx to all clans and players with which we played cw, fw and have a lot of fun. We hope that E+ scene will be strong as in time when our clan starts. Gl :!:
If I forgot about someone plz write.
Anyway thanks a lot.

-scene E+ is almost dead...
this sentence is one of the most annoying in this mod
thats sux but gl to all WK members...see ya on servs.
You forget about sacred bitches
anyway its sad my first normal clan eis dead
e+ scene isnt dieing at all, it just needs 1.04 and all are back again.
yeah i know its me
oh.. sad thanks for everything Wk my ex-clan - take care mate's and gl :salute:
Cya all and gl :roll:

-scene E+ is almost dead...
OMG...instead of nice words for this topic U go and say some crap like this .... :roll:
But Its your right to say your excuse (reasons) I guess...(and first 2 are valid and good enough for this action)
GL to U and all your clanmates...but that last reason is really poor.
Goodbye WK :salute:

-scene E+ is almost dead...
OMG...instead of nice words for this topic U go and say some crap like this .... :roll:
There must always be people who see all negative.
oh my god...
so im out of here... cya all, thx for all games m8s
its sad, cuz i really liked this game;/ maybe i will comeback soon, but i dont think so
maybe on some other mod
really this sux;/ i didnt thought that day like this can come ;/
sry for bad english
it was good to play with u all
WK is dead... so i need to leave e+ scene