[Suggestion] Add new cvar for gibs and gore

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EL-D1ABL0's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: [Suggestion] Add new cvar for gibs and gore

i totally like the idea of bozo and i share same point of view about enjoying the game, i always play with max gfx detail, weapon visible, chat sounds, gore gibs n blood and snow on ftag games. can u bozo or someone explain better how to do this stuff? i didn't get which code to edit and where do to this. i'd like to give it a try too.

Bozo's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
DE Germany
Re: [Suggestion] Add new cvar for gibs and gore

There are various instructions on how to build ioQuake3, for example here and here. Once you got the sources from Git or Subversion and MinGW installed you can seek the code for cvars, for example com_blood. As for the gibs and blood effects, the most relevant source files seem to be cg_localents.c, cg_marks.c and cg_effects.c.

EL-D1ABL0's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: [Suggestion] Add new cvar for gibs and gore
BOZO wrote:

There are various instructions on how to build ioQuake3, for example here and here. Once you got the sources from Git or Subversion and MinGW installed you can seek the code for cvars, for example com_blood. As for the gibs and blood effects, the most relevant source files seem to be cg_localents.c, cg_marks.c and cg_effects.c.

hmm seems not so easy job, im not a coder or similar, i'll try to see if i'll understand something...thx alot anyway Winking

V1979's picture
Joined: Nov 2011
Re: [Suggestion] Add new cvar for gibs and gore

When weapons and power-ups of Team Arena and also the green armor (25 points) and blue armor (200 points - that is, if I'm not mistaken, from Quake Live) will be added to the mod ExcessivePlus?