Shout box limitation

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tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Shout box limitation

спокойной ночи

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Shout box limitation

That would be just a lame move from my side to use a current situation while you got so nervous/prolly drunk to provoke you for the ban. Good night, thats over for today.

Infernoisback's picture
Joined: Sep 2011
Re: Shout box limitation
JUMPS'FPS! wrote:

The 3rd post indirectly related to me! Hell yeah, today Im more popular then Killer+Skull together, fak of you both, your noobcheatflaming became really boring for the cool guys!

Inferno, just we take it as it should be taken.

f1 to ban mircwar at least for today, hes annoying douchebag, making intersting posts, I dont wanna sleep anymore.

yes ofcourse sir Happy

[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

Go to Switzerland and have your prince hit your cleaners, get arrested and go directly to jail without passing Go. Then Google translate this and learn what Europe stands for.

pehpehpehpeh u funny mayt or is it when get hardly loose u act so ?

whats wrong with google trans ? u think u make me mad calling me google translatorer , no u just remind me to be gratefull to whom invented such usefull tool .

huh , like u would ever understand any of my arabic , better u read this here

A man's cock can be used like a double edged sword , lovingly and hatefully .

Lovingly is when u put it in ur girlfriend or someone u love

Hatefully is when u put it either in a cheater/hacker or his girlfriend or someone he loves .