Quake Live and E+
My question is? I got good config when i play in e+? i want got the same in quake live. how can i copy him?
what program i need? thx for help
I hope this help : http://www.quakeliveconfig.com/
i think he wants to use the same config as he used here in E+, but that's impossible ;P
you need to create a new one...

i think he wants to use the same config as he used here in E+, but that's impossible ;P
you need to create a new one...
delete youre xp_ commands and save into youre QL folder in QL /exec youreconfig
and modify youre enemymodel/colors etc. voila youre done

i think he wants to use the same config as he used here in E+, but that's impossible ;P
you need to create a new one...
I copied my q3config.cfg and pasted it into QL and fixed models, thats all.
dont aske me were to save, its more than a year ago i did it. best way is to save it as autoexec config and save it in the place where the configs of QL have to be placed to.
![mow Q [EN] mow Q [EN]](/files/screenname/8646b528fbbe1090dc61e0f29405d1b3.webp)
the place is here :
Windows Vista: %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\id Software\quakelive\home\baseq3
Windows XP: %appdata%\id Software\quakelive\home\baseq3
GNU/Linux: ~/.quakelive/quakelive/home/baseq3
quakelive config generators:
quakelive huds & hud generators :
umm, i wanted to copy my e+ config there and little re-edit, but i have some probrems. than i use some config generators.
btw. quake live is nice but have stupid ads xd
i have adsblock
and it works? without waiting?
the waiting no .. it stops only the "feature ads box" in the right side ..
the waiting dosn't show only if you upgrade ..
then i will not start again x)