PLZ HELP - Urgent

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Joined: Jan 2004


When my users are typing, it inactivity drops em.

I am using instagib.cfg

not modified.

In server.cfg

// misc
set rconpassword "***********************"
set sv_hostname "dmax"
set sv_maxclients "6"
set sv_maxrate "3000"
set g_gametype "0"
set bot_minplayers "2"
set com_hunkmegs 125
set sv_privateclients "0"
set sv_privatepassword ""
set xp_crontab "jobs.txt"
set sv_allowvote "0"
set sv_pure "0"
g_allowVote "0"
set xp_inactivitySpectator "180"
exec consolechat.cfg
// works only here. in-game its: "/rcon load conf/excessive3"
set xp_config "conf/instagib.cfg"

// map rotation (see rotation.txt)
// this is needed to start the rotation
// test_bigbox is good because it tiny
map q3dm6

Notice xp_inactivitySpectator "180", I did this to try and take the inactivity away.

The same configs and stuff work on my other pc fine, any ideas guys? Thank you for your attention.

PLZ HELP - Urgent

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