Lemon vs FEAR 19.4.2006 [Lemon won 3:0]
GG Lem !
Good game but not for FEAR
And nice Camp LEM!!!
Nice Game m8´s
the game was great I learned a lot from you lem
well there is one thing i dont liked about the cw. fear were to less guys
and i wasn´t really warm so next time i will kick your ass
I love you guys
hf&gl on next game
edit: Evol Rena is right i really love you lem and TC you really need to learn from lem they are a great clan
All respect to Lemons !
1. You give chance *FEAR* to play against so strong clan.
2. You let them to play last game with only 2 members and avoid WO.
Respect Lemons again.
Best regards.
@TC clan, read this and learn something.
Marcus* l<[ wrote:"]Yea, even very smalllike you ;P
brother love ....
Lemon and *FEAR* ROCKZ !!!

And nice Camp LEM!!!
i wish you saw things in the same perspective as your leader
I think u mixed up something,foksie isnt faith,the brother of Marcus
Yeah,I know the feeling,happened to me recently on another cw