iFT config
Instagib Freeze Tag config. Almost copy of No Ghost slow rail. However, has QL physics. Was tested on E+ 2.2b only.
// by hrd, 05.08.2015 Config { Name = "iFT"; } Misc { Start Weapon = WP_RAILGUN; Start Weapons = WP_RAILGUN | WP_GAUNTLET; Start Powerups = 0; Weapons = no; Ammos = no; Items = 0; Powerups = 0; Drop Enable = DR_NONE; $xp_physics = PHYSICS_QUAKE_LIVE | PHYSICS_STEP_JUMPS; $pmove_accurate = 1; $g_speed = 320; $g_gravity = 800; $g_forcerespawn = 1; $g_knockback = 1000; $xp_unlagged = 1; $xp_solids = 0; if ( firstTime() ) { $g_friendlyFire = 0; $xp_spawnSystem = 3; $xp_suddendeath = 1; $xp_antyCamp = 1; } if ( $g_gametype == 8 ) { Spawn Protection = 2.0; } else { Spawn Protection = 0; } DM Flags = DM_NO_FALLING_DAMAGE | DM_INFINITE_AMMO; Respawn Time = 1.7; Respawn Time Suicide = Respawn Time = 1.7; Hit Box = 1.1; Hitbox Cylinder = yes; Health = 125; Health Rot Rate = 1000; Soft Health = 15; Hard Health = Soft Health; Health Soft Limit = 100; Health Regen = 0; Health Regen Amount = 0; Weapon Time { Dropping = 201; Raising = -201; Ammo = 0; Shooting = 0; } World Damage { Lava = 0; Slime = 0; Water = 15; } Anti Camp { if ($xp_noAntiCamp == 1) Time = 0; else Time = 12; Radius = 300; Damage = 35; } if ($xp_noAntiCamp != 1) $xp_noAntiCamp = 0; Corpse { Gib = yes; Time = 3; } Freeze Tag { Thaw Time = -2; Self Thaw Time = 120; Water Thaw Time = 90; Lava Thaw Time = Slime Thaw Time = 0; Void Thaw Time = 10; Crushed Thaw Time = 0; Thaw Distance = 100; Thaw Score = 2; Teleport Thaw = 0; Damage Thaw = 0; Teamkill Freeze = no; Movable = yes; Solid = no; Slithery = yes; Round Delay = 0.9; } Suicide { Damage = 0; Knockback = Damage; Radius = 0; Style = no; } Gauntlet { Cycle = 400; Damage = 50; Knockback = 50; Team Knockback = 50; Weight = 1.0; Firing Weight = 1.0; } Railgun { Cycle = 1500; Damage = 1000; Splash Damage = 0; Regen = no; Radius = 100; Bounce = no; Sky = no; Weight = 1.0; Knockback = 75; Team Knockback = 0; Self Knockback = 170; Firing Knockback = 0; Style = WPS_RAILTRAIL | WPS_IMPACT_RAIL; } }
LAST UPDATE: 05.08.2015
one was made quite a while ago
edit: pmove_accurate 1 sucks ass
how's it different if it was both based on qlinsta?
the config is really off because of pmove_accurate
I have tried it on public server and can say finally the movement feels correct, and overall melt time, reload and etc are correct also.
Definitely recommend it for future events.

was added to decrease QL physics speed which is not quite identical to real QL (it's not so fast there). Still, it might be enabled or disabled, but having it turned off making it much easier to strafe anywhere, because it's bugged.
Just add vq physics instead :V
with pmove_accurate 1
I feel like I cant strafe at all. which was the main reason qlinsta1.8 sucked.
well , u need to actually know how to strafe before saying u cant do it , u cant blame the cfg for u being terrible , thanks hrd this sounds nice can't wait to try it.

well , u need to actually know how to strafe before saying u cant do it , u cant blame the cfg for u being terrible
, thanks hrd this sounds nice can't wait to try it.
...or perhaps he knows how to strafe but the cfg is terrible, u can't judge before testing cfg and when you were writing this you haven't done that yet ... Just plain logic
but imo you are right and he doesn't know how to strafe xdddd lolz double trolling success

well , u need to actually know how to strafe before saying u cant do it , u cant blame the cfg for u being terrible, thanks hrd this sounds nice can't wait to try it.
...or perhaps he knows how to strafe but the cfg is terrible, u can't judge before testing cfg and when you were writing this you haven't done that yet
... Just plain logic
but imo you are right and he doesn't know how to strafe xdddd lolz double trolling success
XD , well no1 that i know of had any issues with strafing on 1.8 which had pmove on.
currently might be checked on (http://www.excessiveplus.net/spider/rus-rail-instagib-freeze)