HK 2:0 NTG/22.06.2006/RANKED
22. June 2006 - 17:25
best if three maps , 2.0 for HK
Punkbuster on. (tx god )
pure on. (tx god again
on freeze
this is only for ranking ..
i guess u already heard about this one...ntg player got kicked by PB on second match.
22. June 2006 - 17:51
HK 2:0 NTG/22.06.2006/RANKED
gg hk gg NTG sry for player trubles hope u can make a quick and good rebound
22. June 2006 - 18:30
HK 2:0 NTG/22.06.2006/RANKED
22. June 2006 - 19:17
HK 2:0 NTG/22.06.2006/RANKED
hmm lol
2nd map was shit
just shit
but minimum of war was 3vs3 so only first map was realy cw the second just fw like
i hope u understand me :roll: :roll:
22. June 2006 - 19:22
HK 2:0 NTG/22.06.2006/RANKED
and thats why i change my nick to a fake one
so we can just count first map!!!!
23. June 2006 - 22:38
HK 2:0 NTG/22.06.2006/RANKED
24. June 2006 - 10:34
HK 2:0 NTG/22.06.2006/RANKED
24. June 2006 - 13:03
HK 2:0 NTG/22.06.2006/RANKED
gg^^ both
24. June 2006 - 13:43
HK 2:0 NTG/22.06.2006/RANKED
Gg both.
25. June 2006 - 0:27
HK 2:0 NTG/22.06.2006/RANKED
25. June 2006 - 1:27
HK 2:0 NTG/22.06.2006/RANKED
